"Hey kids" I heard Dally's familiar voice call out. Johnny and I both turned to him, as he approached the front porch and climbed the stairs.

"What's goin' on Dal?" Johnny asked happily, as Dally gave him a friendly slap on the back.

"Nothin'. I been sleepin' all day, I got into a fight with Shepard last night, man. I'm all tired out" he replied weakly as we stepped in through the front door, and into the living room with the rest of the gang. I looked around the packed room for Y/n, then saw her sitting on the couch with Soda.

I suddenly felt anxious about Y/n being here, after seeing her house. It's at least three times the size as my own, and it's a whole lot nicer decorated too, not to mention it's cleaner. Oh well, she'd been here before anyway.

Y/n pov

Soda and I had been talking for a little while now, he's pretty funny, and a real sweet guy.

"You dig okay, Y/n. We should hang out more often" Soda suggested. I nodded before he stepped away to say something to Steve. Ponyboy sat down next to me in place of Soda. I looked at him for a second, gosh I love his face.

"Whatcha thinkin' about Y/n?" he asked with a smirk. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Hm? What do ya mean?"

"You zone out a lot, and you do this thing where you bite your lip..." he began, but trailed off as he looked down at my lip, which I was biting unconsciously. I felt blood rush to my cheeks, causing them to turn an even darker shade.

"...It's real cute when you do that" he continued, blushing as well.

I must've been red as a tomato by then; he just called me cute. Me, cute. I attempted to hide my happiness by keeping a straight face, but I couldn't stop my lips from curling into a smile. He chuckled softly.

"So, what are ya thinking about?" he asked again, after a long pause. I sighed.

I'm thinking about you, I thought.

"Oh nothing" I breathed out, lying straight to his face. He sighed slowly.

"Hey, are we all still goin' somewhere?" Steve asked the room, lightly tapping me on the head. I smiled and looked up at him.

We all stood up without responding, and headed for the door, Pony last.

"C'mon you lazy bum, get a move on will ya?" Two-bit cackled from ahead at Ponyboy, who began to smile and chuckle along.

The eight of us rushed down the sidewalk, the cool, crisp wind blowing past us. The once quiet street was filled with the sounds of all of our shoes clapping against the hard pavement at different paces, and the loud voices of the rowdy teenage boys I was with.

We reached the outside of the neighbourhood in no time, and that's when I started to see people I knew. Carolyn, Denice, Linda, and Margaret were all standing at the street corner. I received many glares and confused looks from them.

"Hey, you guys, I'll be right back" I announced as I trotted across the street. The boys watched me as I walked away.

"Y/n! I thought you were busy today?" Carolyn crossed her arms. I glanced back at the boys across the street, who were watching me attentively.

"Yeah, I'd already made plans with some of my friends" I explained, gesturing towards the group of teens.

Linda's pale cheeks flushed, as she took in a deep breath. She looked genuinely scared. She twirled her deep black hair around her frail finger, as she always does when she's nervous.

Him And I / Ponyboy CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now