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Year 7, or first year as my school called it, was not a fun year for me.

I hated it. So I ended up switching to a mixed school. Year 7 was spent in an all girls school and it was awful. Girls are not fun people to be around when all they do is bitch about everything and everyone.


Year 8, or second year, was the best year of my life.

I met my best friend on the first day there and I spent the next 6 years of my life with people that I loved. 


My first every boyfriend was a disaster.

I am just going to leave it at that; however he was my first kiss too, so I guess I am greatful for that… although later did I find out that he actually sucked at it.


Those first few years of senior school you everyone is always ‘talking’ to someone, and it was all pretty exciting really. I actually just recently met up with a guy who I had a ‘thing’ (basically nothing) with way back when I was about 13. He was the first guy I ever liked that wasn’t a celebrity or about 4 years older than me. It was one of those things that I couldn’t possibly tell you why it stopped or how it even started but it did. However we talk now and then, and when I got back home this summer I have seen him a few times, he actually just texted me… its like he knows I'm talking about him.

I am going to call him Kellan.

I so clearly remember doing that whole hanging out in the shopping center thing and going to watch a movie with him. My mum knew nothing of this, she just thought I was at a friends or something. The whole having to sneak around made it a million times more exciting than it really was, and I loved it. Kellan was not the type of guy I would have ever gone for, he didn’t go to my school, he was into things which I had zero interest in; but that was what was part of the fun. His family is from a different country, and although he had been going to school in England for pretty much his whole life so he didn’t have an accent, he still had this weird exoticness about him. I think it was the permanent tanned skin and foreign sounding name.

            Kellan was adorable. I guess he had to have been otherwise I wouldn’t still be talking to him after all this time right?

I think everyone can relate to that one person that makes you start to feel some sort of something towards, and not simply just stare after them and long that they notice you (although we all do that now still)

(This is probably all really boring stuff for you, but I just want to give you a little information on the guys in my life leading up to this one person.)

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