Chapter 1

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Emma turned to her neighbour after lifting a haybale into Jamison's stall.

"Morning, Sasha." Emma greeted the ever so slightly younger girl, who danced around her. "How's my favourite Blouse?"

"Ouch." Mister. Blouse, Sasha's father muttered as he walked over. "How'sa my favourite 'orse, Jamis'n?"

Jamison snorted as he rested his head on Emma's, who reached up to pat his nose. Sasha grinned once she leaned closer.

"Ya find any fo'd?" She asked, her country accent showing through.

Emma grinned, lifting a small badger. Sasha squealed and reach for it only to get held back by her father. "That's not our fo'd, Sash'a!"

"Nah, it's fine. But I've yet to skin, cook and smoke it." Emma said and reached over to ruffle Sasha's hair. "If you manage to get Jamison to stop following me long enough to do that..."

Sasha nodded rapidly as she focused her eyes on said horse, who narrowed his eyes. 'You're goin' down' Sasha mimed with her own glare. Jamison snorted, digging his hooves into the ground.

"Now, now, Sash'a. Jamison is just a 'orse!" Mister. Blouse yelled as he dragged her away, waving back to the smiling Emma.

Emma leaned towards Jamison. "You would've won, anyways." She whispered.


"What?" Emma asked with her eyes wide.

A villager nodded as she looked pale. "Wall Maria was broken down by titans!" She hissed like it was a scandal.

Emma was shocked, not realising it would be so soon. She was glad that she left Jamison in the clearing next to her small house near the Blouse's.

But it was way to early for such a thing, she had only just reached her own, second, fourteenth birthday in this world which meant she was two years older than the infamous Eren Yeager.

The big question was if she would join the army with him, with Sasha. She knew that Sasha would live on for a good while, due to the brilliance that is the manga and fans who would be outraged if she died, but that did not help the small sense of paranoia.

It was only a matter of time before Sasha left. Would she follow?

"Thank you very much, Madam Jaeren." Emma murmered as she began walking away, towards the small town center where a market was.

The Wall Maria citizens would be flooding Dauper village since it had a surprisingly good fertile soil around the trees, not that anyone noticed with their less than manageable farming abilities. Also most thought that it could not be possible to plant much due to the cold weather conditions of the mountains.

Emma thanked her Nan who liked gardening and baking enough to force Emma to take some of it up, not to mention that half of her family was in the food business in one way or another. Farmers, shop workers and delivery drivers.

Emma mindlessly grabbed at certain items, mostly seeds of some kind. She had managed to get a house near a clearing, probably for Jamison. It allowed her to start planting foods to hand over to the village and send to the army but only winter ready herbs and stubborn vegetables.

It took a little while but she returned home, entering the small cottage like house with ease.

Jamison had his own room inside that led outside with only a push to the door needed, even if Emma was the one to do the shabbily done job.

"I am home, Jamison!" The said horse snorted in return. "Do you want to go on a run?"

Since Emma managed to get sent to Dauper, she had taken up the act of running along the mountains to practise running from titans. And to get a small bit of muscle on her, as she did not want to try and lift logs.


Emma panted as she steadily ran, Jamison by her side. The horse stayed by her side even if he had enough energy to sprint for miles with no stop, even though Emma suspected that he could with ease.

"Damn-" Emma grunted as her foot slipped from the natural trail the mountains had. "-cold."

Jamison grunted as he nudged her forward, impatiently wanting to run faster.


It was almost sunset when Emma reached home. She was sweating buckets as she entered her dark home, feeling around for a light switch.

"Oh. Right." She whispered as she reached for a candle, remembering that this world did not have the capabilities that her world had. "I should figure out a way to sort that out."

Jamison snorted from his area, his tail flicking from left to right as he tried to send the annoyences named Moths away from him.

"Yes, yes. Calm down, you big baby." Emma called out with a grin. She made her way towards her own room, carefully moving through the house with ease.

Her mind began to play tricks on her with the dark as she slipped into her own room, closing the door with a small sigh of relieaf. She never liked the dark, it played to many tricks thst did not allow her to rest.


"Sash'a! Giv' it 'ere!"

Emma watched with mild amusement as the familier scene played out, Sasha getting into the meat store and getting a chunk of either venison or badger. She could never tell.

A thought entered her mind once Sasha evaded her father. If Sasha ever became a titan...

"We would be screwed." Emma bluntly said after Sasha shouted something about the trees being pushed back somewhere. Both Blouse's turned to look at her, confusion on their faces.

"Oh, sorry. I was thinking if there was a titan similar to Sasha," Emma said and reached over to pet Sasha on the head. "You'd murder us all!"

Mister. Blouse nodded slowly as he took his hat off, wiping off the sweat on his forehead. Sasha rushed behind Emma, rapidly chewing her prized chunk of meat.

"Sash'a. Thos' people hav' lost their 'omes to titans. Wher' else could they go?"

"Wall Sheena," Emma muttered under her breath. "But those bastards won't have us commoners in their society."

Mister. Blouse nodded quietly at Emma's words. "If only they reali'sed how 'recious 'uman lives 're."

Sasha suddenly gripped Emma's arm, forcing Emma to look at her.

"Teach me 'ow to talk like 'ou." She ordered, eyes wide.

Emma's own eyes widened in shock.

"Wait, what?"

"Teach me!"



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