The Last Thing I Ever Wanted--Date Night

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"So, are we hanging out on Friday?" Derek asked.

"Nah, man. After school I had something to do." I replied casually.

"Oh really? What?" Derek asked. "I'm going on a date." I said, kind of annoyed.

Why was he asking me so many questions?

"Oh, that's cool man. A date. With who?" he asked, still persisting.

"If you MUST know, I have a date with Jade Martinez."

After I said that, he got silent. At first, I thought he was just being annoying when he was asking me all those questions. But now, I had a feeling that there was a method to Derek's madness.

He got silent all of a sudden as if I had said the wrong thing and offended him; when he was the one that pushed me to talk! Whatever. Either there was a method to his madness; or he was just on his man-period. Nothing could get me down anyway; since I had a date with Jade. I really wanted to make things work with her.

**End of Flashback**

"Hey Jason!" Jade called, running over to me. I smiled at the way her ponytail bounced from side to side and the way her eyes lit up when she saw me.

"Hey Jade." I said. I leaned down and gave her a quick hug.

"So, now are you willing to tell me where we're going?" she asked. "Sure." I said, swiftly switching sides with her and taking her hand.

As we strolled slowly down the block, I explained our date. "You reserved a whole movie theater just for us?" she exclaimed.

"I reserved a whole movie theater for YOU, babe." I said, squeezing her hand a little tighter for emphasis. "And then ice cream in the park. Sounds like a great date." she said.

I grinned.

At the cross-streets when Jade and I were about to cross, we passed a random guy heading in the direction we just came. As he passed me he winked and waved at Jade; since she was walking in front of me. Jade smiled and waved back.

The whole exchange disgusted me. I held really  tight on Jade's hand and tried to pull her across the street.

I didn't even notice she was in pain until she wrenched herself from my grasp and shouted, "Jason didn't I tell you to let go?!! Why weren't you listening??"

I fumbled awkwardly, not sure of how to answer her. Suddenly, the guy who was supposed to be crosing the street (had appararently heard the commotion) ran over.

"Man, why you just standing there? Don't you see your girlfriend's hurt?!" he yelled at me.

"Hey! Who are you to me? Why are you telling MY girlfriend what she should do with her hand?" I yelled back.

"I'm just trying to help, since you obviously don't have much control over things." he retorted.

"Stop!!" Jade shouted, clinging onto her hand.

She turned to the obnoxious dude and said,"Thanks, Todd. But I'll be Ok. I appreciate your concern."

I sputtered. "You KNOW him??" I cried in disbelief.

"Yeah. Jason, this is Todd Marshall from science class. He's my lab partner. Todd, this is Jason, my date." 

How could Jade easily make introductions as if nothing was wrong?

Todd gave me such a dirty look then.

"Nice to meet you." he muttered. "Catch you later Jade." Todd said, walking away. I smiled as he walked away.

The Last Thing I Ever Wanted Was To Be His Leading Lady In Real LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora