“So, would you care to tell us about this Noah, or do we have to wait?” Josh asked.

“Well,” I started, “he’s quite tall and has this brown hair that has these shaggy brown waves on top but he doesn’t have one of those stupid island haircuts.” In mock horror, Josh protected his ‘island hair’ from my dissing comments.

“Also, he has these eyes that are a nice, medium brown, and his nose is a little crooked.” 

"In the cutest way possible," I silently added.

Feliz’s eyes suddenly lit up and she started to bombard me with questions.

“A crooked nose, huh. Is he a fighter?”

“I don’t know.”

“Does he have a six pack?”

“I don’t know.”

“What would you rate his ass?”

“I don’t know!”

“Oh. My. Gosh! You don’t know anything. It’s quite warm, surely you could’ve seen muscle through his shirt?” Feliz asked hopefully.

“He was wearing a jumper.”

“You could’ve at least rated his ass! Didn’t you even take a sneaky peak?”

“I was in too much of a daze to even think about it, Feliz,” I sighed, as I secretly wondered what I would’ve rated his bum if I had looked. Not that it would’ve mattered, I personally preferred to judge someone on their character.

“So you do like him? I was too dazed!” Feliz incorrectly mimicked me, giggling.

“Not like you think I do,” I said, not sure whether I was telling the truth or not.

Did I like Noah? I didn’t know! I’d only just met the guy. The people of the popular clique may have found ‘love’ after five minutes but it didn’t really work like that, not real love anyway.


After homeroom, I made my way to chemistry, my first lesson of the day. I’ve always loved chemistry; I loved the experiments, the explosions, the reactions and how you could use what you knew to learn something. I even loved memorizing the periodic timetable, it’s like your times tables (but with elements rather than numbers)- once you know it it’ll stick in your brain.

In fact, when you’ve learnt something- anything, really- it’s almost impossible to unlearn it. You cannot forget; you just can’t. No matter how hard you push it to the back of your mind, it comes back, it’s part of your infinite cycle. It won’t go away. Which is why I wouldn’t be able to forget what happened during Summer. 

“I’ll be fine, Dora, I promise,” half of his face smiled as he signed, trying to reassure me, but the other half of his face, the chewed skin, told me otherwise. He would not be ok. He would never be ok…

“Mitford, are you going to sit down?” Mr Parks, my chemistry teacher,raised his bushy, grey, eyebrows and knocked me out of my daydream.

I quickly took a seat at the front, earning a few sniggers from the people who had also made it to class on time.

“Now, this class is quite small this year, I’m not sure why,” Mr Parks said, whilst we rolled our eyes. Throughout our time in high school, Mr Parks had slowly scared most of the year from taking chemistry. The only senior pupils he had were those who needed to take chemistry for their future. Though I’m sure there were some weirdos like myself who took chemistry because they genuinely enjoyed the subject, there has to be! Though the bored (and slightly scared) faces around the room told me otherwise. Yup. I was the only chemistry lover in this classroom- there weren’t even any nerds! Oh well, maybe I’d end up being the top of the class.

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