'Okay,' I said, 'Does Dr. Drake has a relative or someone?'

At this question, De. Madison raised her eyebrows as she looked between two of us. 'What are you guys up to?'

I opened my mouth to speak honestly but Leo spoke before me. 'Marie gave us a mission and we need answers for that mission. It'll be really great if you just corporate.'

Dr. Madison put on her thinking face but gave in either way. 'Drake has just a brother. He lost his rest of his family in his childhood.'

'What was his name?' I asked, intrigued.

'Mathew Davis.' Just as she answered, Leo and I looked glared at each other.

'Mathew?' Leo echoed.

'Yes.' She took her gloves off and sat back on her chair, behind her desk. 'You two do not seem too pleased. May I know the reason?'

'Not yet.' Leo outstretched his hand for me. I slipped mine into his as I stood up. 'Thank you for your help.'

He said. Even before i could say something too, Leo pulled me out. 'So did Drake kill—'

'—Shh,' Leo shushed me as we made our way out, 'not now.'

I pursed my lips. I sat on his bike and he did too. Igniting his bike, he revved it before he raced away.

I jumped down the bike, and entering the password of our house, and entered. 'Did he just—?'

'Shh,' Leo shushed me again by placing her hand on my mouth. 'Can't you just stay quiet for a moment?'

I jerked his hand off my mouth, 'What's wrong with you? We're finally at home.'

'I know but for safer side, can't we discuss it at room?'

'Leo, why should we? There are no microphones or something.'

'We are accusing Dr. Drake and there are many people who won't like this.'

My mouth formed an 'O' as I realised what he just said. 'I'm gonna change and then I'll meet you in the library.'

'Alright.' And we both parted our ways.

Fifteen minutes later, we found ourselves in the library room, brainstorming on why would Dr. Drake kill his brother. 'Mathew must've knew something important. That's why Dr. Drake killed him.' I stated, as I sipped my coffee. 'But how did he know we would be there?'

Leo immediately looked down, chewing on the words. 'That is the question. We must have a spy among us, the one who is revealing our secrets.'

'I don't believe it.' I said. 'I mean, look around. Who could you doubt? Dave? No. Stephen and Liam? Nope. Twins? Never in million years. Jake? No. Chloe? Yes.'

Leo deadpanned. 'You seriously have to add your girly conflicts in this?'

'Girly conflicts?' The words tasted bitter on my tongue. 'Look at my hair again. They are so ew.'

'Riff, concentrate.' Leo commanded. 'We need to find out Dr. Drake's intentions before it's too late.'


'By trailing him. He is a good key to Hades.'

'Yeah,' I agree as I take the final sip of my coffee, 'if we catch Hades, would I be able to leave?'

At my question, Leo's eyes snapped up to mine. 'Why would you want to leave?'

'Why not? I hate trainings nd fighting and killing people. Don't you?'

He shrugged. 'I am used to it. You will be too.'

'I don't what to.'

'Well,' he shut his laptop too as he picked it up in his hand. Before he was to walk out, he said, 'I don't think you are any other option,' he kissed my cheek, 'Riff.'


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