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"Adrien...sto..stop...STOP" I breathlessly laugh. I squirm and wiggle, stopping him from tickling me for the 10th time.
"Say that Air Jordans are better than Lebrons" He demands, continues to tickle.
"" I says with a single breath left in my lungs. Damn he knows my ticklish spots.
"Alright then" he smirks, moving up to my neck. No.
"Alright fine, fine. Stop and i'll say it"
He raises an eyebrow, but still stops.
"Air Jordans" i pant
"...are nothing compare to Lebrons." I say as I escape as fast as i can.
He pulls me down. Again.
"You ask for it" he tickles my neck.
"ADRIEN STOP" i scream, still laughing.
"Yo Adrien" one of the guys calls out.
"Yo" Adrien responses.
"Ya mind helping us boys pump the ball a bit?"
He nods and gives me a look: "You're lucky this time" and i grin back.
He walks to the boys as Jax and Lily make their way to me. I have to say. The couple is a pair made in heaven.
"Hiiiii Andie" Jax says slurly and winks at me. Ugh that flirty side of him never quits.
I roll my eyes and smile : "Hi LILY", completely ignoring Jax. Lily giggles and Jax pouts: "Fine then" He says still pouting.
"God Jax" I roll my eyes at him. He grins. Man he's sexy.
We've been very close friends since the first day at school. Everybody knows about our friendship and connections. Our families go out for dinner together, we casually hang out and I spent a few nights at his house, yeah of course when he was single. Though we never did anything. We have the dirtiest mind and sometimes joke and flirt around but doing it never occured. But I have to admit I've always found Jax hot and sexy and all that shit. I had a crush on him for a month and he knows but it pan out that he wasn't really my type and I was just physically attracted to him. So I switched to friend mode again. 
"So what were you and Adrien doing all touchy touchy?" Lily elbows me and winks.
"What'd you mean?" I act innocent.
"Please An we heard you scream all the way from the other side of the classroom" Lily rolls her eyes 
"Well the room ain't that big ain't it?" I grin.
"Quit playing around, those plastic bitches looked like they were about to kill you" Ellie pretends to whisper.
"Fine next time i'll scream in silence then" I laugh but then turn serious: "But seriously tho, we're just bestfriends"
"I'm sorry but are you talking about me" Ellie comes up and wraps my shoulder
"Sup bitch" I smirk.
"Hey El" Lily and Jax say at the same time.
"Hola" Ellie says in a funny tone. 
"This free period seems like forever" I groan.
"Shit Jax we forgot to study for our history test" Lily exlaims.
"Alright Lily and I gonna go join the study group, you two have fun doing whatever you enjoy doing." Jax says and winks at me. Again. Argh he needs to stop that or i have to jump him one day.
As they walk off Ellie pulls me closer and talks softly: "You know Adrien and Elise fought again last night right? Like ugh can't they just stop arguing for like 5 seconds"
"Yeah he told me" I sigh.
Elise was one of Adrien's close female friends. Elise, Ellie and Me. Both Elise and Ellie are close to Adrien but those two don't seem that close to each other. Elise and Adrien dated a while back but they are too overwhelming for each other so stayed friends.
"You know what it was about?" Ellie asks curiously.
"Well he said she's pretty stubborn and tough and shit so he just wanted to avoid her for a bit but she got mad for no reason and..."
"Yeah i get it." Ellie sighs.

The week goes through pretty fast, and on Saturday as i'm surfing through random stuffs on the internet, a message comes up: "Hey Andie" from Adrien.

Italic is the other person (this case Adrien) and normal is Andie

- Hey
- Alright i kinda like this girl but youre gonna shut up okay?
- Since when do you think I'm gonna spread words around huh?
- Right, i'm sorry.
- Did you tell anybody else?
- Yeah Elise.
*sigh* - Okay, who's the unlucky girl?
- Casey

I gone numb for a moment.

- Andie you're there? 
- Yeah
I mean she's pretty and nice and all and exactly my type
- She's like that good girl you can hardly find else where

Are you fucking serious?

- Andie?
- Andie don't you ignore me.
- I can ignore you how the fuck I want.

I instantly regret sending the text. But really, who the fuck is he to command me?

- Sorry, it's just I'm telling you all this cos you're my bestfriend and hoped you would share the feelings with me and not to be snapped at nor to be ignored. 

Well what's Elise for? Go tell her all this bullshit.
I'm about to send my thoughts but realize: Why am i acting like this? Adrien's my bestfriend. I should be supportive no matter what. I care for him too much to start a fight. I sigh and type:

- Sorry, it's just i'm a bit uptight about Casey that's all. But really who gives a fuck, i'm happy you have finally gotten out of that dull old shell of yours and at least put some effort into having a life.
- *Laughing emoji* hahaha i'm not the only one who doesn't have a life. 
- I don't have one cos I'm not capable of HAVING ONE. I mean look at you, girls be looking at you like they want to jump you but still you put on that poker face all the time. I wonder why tbh. 
- Andie
- Yeah?
- Do you think i'm good looking? Like cute and all those shit like everybody usually say.
- Ask them if they really do think so or not :/
- But it has been going on for a such a long time i think people really do think you're hot *laughing emoji*
- No. I want to know what YOU think.
- No you're too ugly sorry can't lie.
- Hey seriously

I pause for a minute. Is Adrien really that handsome? I mean I've been hearing compliments on his looks for like since the first day of school, even I fell for his looks. But being close with him for a while really does bore the cuteness and sexiness. 

- It's okay i understand if you don't want to answer the question...
- I do think you're cute.

The two texts pop up at the same time but Adrien's was like 0.01s before.

- Really? Like completely objective?
- Yeah bro
- You know how to make my day :)
- Whatever

I blush a bit

- Uhm I gotta go, ttyl.
- Bye babe
- Bye Adrien

I throw my phone on the bed and lie there, thinking how Adrien and Casey gonna work out and how I'm gonna be thrown from second place of priority to like the 100th.

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