CHAPTER 101: Sabotage

Start from the beginning

One of the bodyguards sat on the driver's seat and his partner sat right beside him. "Where to, Oujo-sama?" he asked.

"Where is Anthony?" Ryouko said, pertaining to her personal chauffeur.

"He has errands. We will escort you to your destination safely," The other one answered.

Ryouko sighed. "Very well," she said in a sort of disappointed tone.

The bodyguards looked at her, still awaiting her answer about where they are headed.

"Finsbury Park," she said. The two nodded and they went on their way.

The trip was spent in silence. Seijuro had a book on his lap, totally absorbed in its pages the whole time. Ryouko spent the minutes casting tentative glances at him and contented herself with staring out of the window at the sceneries passing by.

They arrived at their destination, filing out of the gorgeous black car into the unusually bright sunshine.

"Today's weather is note-worthy, don't you think?" Seijuro commented as he closed the book and held it by the hook of his elbow.

Ryouko nodded, slinging a chic strap bag over one shoulder. "It's one of the best I think, ever since I've moved here," she replied.

Seijuro made a sweeping gesture with his free hand. "Ladies first," he said.

Ryouko huffed in irritation, rolled her eyes and went ahead.

Seijuro looked pleased at her annoyed face. He turned to the two bodyguards behind him. "Did I say something wrong?" he asked.

"No, sir," both of them answered.

Seijuro chased after Ryouko and walked alongside her. They strolled side by side in silence, surveying children playing with skateboards and bicycles. Couples and families can be seen here and there, having small picnics and taking advantage of the good weather.

Neither of the two seemed to have the motivation to start a dialogue and they continued walking with no particular destination in mind.

"This is boring," Ryouko said, staring moodily at the pavement.

Seijuro nodded. "I agree on that. Well, since you're the one who suggested going out, I thought you had something in mind," he answered.

"I did actually. It's a pity Anthony's not the one who drove us. If Anthony comes, there's no need for Benjamin and Jason to tag along," she said.

"Benjamin and Jason?" Seijuro repeated, raising an eyebrow.

Ryouko made a jerking motion with her head towards the back.

Seijuro glanced behind at the two bodyguards. "Oh," he said in understanding.

All of a sudden, Ryouko turned around to face the two men. She gave a dazzling smile. "I have something to talk about with my tutor in private," she told them in English. "I'll appreciate it if you move back and keep a ten-meter distance between us."

The two men looked at each other before nodding. "As you wish, Young Miss," one of them replied.

"Thank you," Ryouko said and went back to Seijuro's side.

"You have something to tell me in private?" Seijuro immediately queried, leaning sidewards towards his tutee.

"No," Ryouko answered.

Seijuro looked completely mystified. "Then why—"

"Shh," Ryouko hushed. "Listen, Sei-sama. Once we reach that corner, we'll turn to the right."

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