Chapter 2

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Jungkook P.O.V

I quietly ate my food as I watch Jimin and his friends talking. The guy who I believe is named Jin keeps making really bad jokes while everyone just laughed because he really thinks his jokes are good. Sometimes it's so bad that it's funny, I mean really bad.

"Jin just give it up already." Yoongi laughed, causing Jin to light up with an idea.

"What do you know? Huh? My jokes are le-JIN-dary!" He said bursting into a fit of laughter causing Tae to choke off of the juice he was quickly gulping down. I heard a little giggle and looked over to see Jimin softly laughing. My stomach started to do flips as the butterflies were becoming unbearable. I felt my face get hot and I know I have to be blushing. I PROBABLY LOOK LIKE A TOMATO. UGH SO EMBARRASSING!!!

"Hey, guys how about we play truth or dare?" Hoseok suggested. We all looked over at him with excited faces as we shook our heads.

"Yeah, that'd be so fun!" Jimin said happily.

"Okay. So who goes first?" Hoseok said clapping his hands together.

"ME!" Taehyung cheered giving his usually boxy smile causing Hoseok to grow flustered. Interesting.

"U-Uhm okay. Go ahead." I said looking down at the table. Is feeling going on? Oh, this is juice!

"Okay. Jungkook truth or dare?" He said and everyone looked my way. Wah.Me? Why me? He could have asked anyone else, but he asked me.  So stupid. Well, I don't want to be dared so what's it gonna hurt if I picked truth?

"Truth." I sighed sipping my apple juice.

"Do you have a crush on Jimin?"

At that moment I knew...Taehyung is a dxck.

I don't want to answer that honestly. Should I lie? But what if he likes me back if I say no he'll be sad and hate me. Uhg...God, why is this life!!!!

"What that question?" I asked giving Tae the death glare and he just smirked evilly at me. I WILL KILL YOU KIM TAEHYUNG!!!

"You have to answer it, so hurry up."

"Yes," I said looking away embarrassed. My heart was beating like crazy, I feel like I might faint. I was just exposed to my best friend...

Note to self: Find a new best friend

Everyone looked at each other surprised and Jimin sat there very flustered.

Jimin's POV

J-J-Jungkook... Likes me!? ... D*mn it... Now, the hyungs won't stop messing with me... They will come up with ship names and everything... Why did his best friend ask this kind of question...? What do I do now...?

" Really!? You do like Jiminie? Namjoon seriously got it right?"
" Ship name! You need a ship name! I, the most handsome man in the universe will get you one!"
" I'm in!" Said Taehyung with that bright smile of his...
" Ship name? Oh... I got a perfect one." Said Nam Hyung pairing with the others.
Then with the perfect couple timing of theirs, Jin hyung and Namjoon Hyung both said: " JiKook!"
" Sounds good!" Said again J-Jungkook's best friend...

While everyone was laughing off to J-Jungkook's answer.
Both Suga hyung and the man concerned were stunned.
Suga hyung looked quite gloomy and J-Jungkook looked as red as I was.

" Y-you guys s-should s-stop making s-ship names and all...
J-Jungkook was probably kidding...-"
" Jimin seeing how red he's right now I doubt it's just a joke. " Said Nam Hyung.
" He must be embarrassed by the names..."
" He didn't look against it though!" said Hoseok hyung giggling.
" but... We'll not go out with each other so... Could you stop?"

For a second J-Jungkook looked this disappointed by this sentence.  I sighed, regretting my words but it's not like I had any choice... I can't just give him hopes like this. I don't especially like him or anything. I only talked to him this morning for the first time... Nothing more will happen. N-Nothing more!

" Kookie you got rejected... Sorry?" said Taehyung.
" I know. Thank you for butting in unnecessary matters."
" Huh?"
" Don't huh? me."
" Oh...He's pissed. Taehyung you're dead I guess?"
" fxck"
" Anyway! Can we change the subject?"I said taking the opportunity J-Jungkook gave me.

" Jimin?"
" Yes?"
" Truth or dare?" said Namjoon hyung who doesn't seem to understand that I want to change subjects.

" Yeah! Truth or dare?" Said Taehyung whose attention changed to me.
" Truth?"
" Why don't you take dare once in a while?" said Jin Hyung.
" 'cause He knows you all," said the guy who looked gloomy and still looking like it.
" You make us sound like we'll ask him to kiss Jungkook or go on a date with him."
" What makes you think I had this in mind Hoseok? Were you planning to?"
" Well..."
W-Well!? I WANT TO FXCKING CHANGE SUBJECT! This is the longest lunchtime I ever had...
Why do thirty minutes seem like forever? And me who before thought it was too short...Taehyung and the hyungs trying to matchmake us...  Man... This is getting annoying...

" You got it right! Jiminie still up for the dare?"
" N-No! I don't!" When did Hoseok Hyung become like this...? I want to leave...
" Jimin don't worry. We are not asking you to kiss him, okay? I understand it's something to not casually talk about."
" Then why did you do it? Would you like me to tell everyone about your relationship with Namjoon hyung? And then dare you to kiss him?
" Jiminie... Calm down. We didn't literally ask you to kiss anyone."
" Hoseok hyung, you were going to!"
" I am not gonna deny but..."
" But? But what?"
" Jimin, you must calm down."
" Taehyung!" I said
" Y-yes!"
" If you had a crush on someone would you like your best friend to dare you to say if you like that person?"
" No..."
" Then why did you do this to J-Jungkook?"
" Jimin, calm down."

" I don't know for Jin but I would," said Nam Hyung
" N-Namjoon-ah? Would what?"
" Kiss you."
" This is getting weirder," whispered Jungkook.
" I know right? It's funny!" whispered back Taehyung.

" Nam, I don't think Jimin wanted you to answer. Actually, no one did. We all knew anyway."
" Yoongi-ah? Knew what?
" About your relationship with Namjoon."
" It was pretty obvious! Jin hyung!"
"Hoseok? You too?"
I did not expect him to answer... Why are we casually talking about things like that at lunch? From love confession to this?
How long is it going to last?

"  Since when have you two been dating? " said Taehyung with a boxy smile that looked annoying to me...
" I don't remember."
" Two years, we've been dating for two years." said a blushing hyung.
"Oh... Long."
" I see how Nam got inspiration for his raps."
" Hoseok, shut up."
" Okay..."
" Thank you for inviting us today but we have to go. Right Tae?"
" Already?"
"There's only ten minutes left to lunch."
" Bye then! See ya next time."
" See ya!"
" Yeah... See ya next time J-Jungkook..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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