Ch. 3

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Ari felt kind of awkward. He wasn't sure exactly to talk to his and Alex's new friend... Well Alex's new friend. Ari really hadn't said anything to him.

That's how things normally went. Alex was better at their social situations. The persona of Arix, was mostly just Alex.

"You know a while ago, you wouldn't shut up, but now you've disappeared." Rory said

"Maybe you imagined me in your drugged state." It was supposed to be a joke... It didn't sound like one.

~"Ari, why are you like this?"~ Alex asked.

~"Shut up. I'm trying."~

"I hope not. I was just starting to like you." Rory laughed.

~"See! I can be funny!"~ Ari said defensively.

~"I think he was just being nice."~

"Maybe not then." Ari smiled. "But just in case, you should probably start coming up with ideas in how to get out of this mess."

"Yeah. This cage is made of silver, plus the restraints. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

"Mine isn't though, right?"

"No. Yours is magnetite, it blocks your psychic abilities." Rory explained. "Apparently not all of them though."

"If I got the door on your cell open, could you do mine?"

"Yeah. I could rip the door right off the hinges."

"Once the serum wears off, I think w...I'll be strong enough to get past the magnetite's block. I might be able to unlock your door." Ari explained.

"Hey. I'm willing to try anything at this point."

"Better than the alternatives." Ari shrugged. He still couldn't read Rory very well. If he had access to his powers, the man would be like an open book. He didn't seem aggressive, or anything like the term rouge. Maybe when they got out of here, he would know more about him.

"So, Mr. Arix. I have to ask, how exactly you ended up running into the hunters." Rory said, snapping Alex and Ari from their thoughts.

We-I was working a missing person's case, who turned out to be possessed by a demon. I was going to exorcise him... But the hunters got there first. I don't know what they did, but I was still connected to the demon when they did. I think it was the most painful experience I've ever had."

"You're a cop?"

"FBI... Kind of. I more of a trick pony to them." Ari explained.

"Still. It must be interesting. You get to use your powers regularly, and no one bats an eye."

"I can't say it's all that great. What do you do? Did it put you in the hunter's line of sight?"

"I work at a wild life rehabilitation center. So probably not. To be honest, I don't know why they went after me. I can't really remember what happened. Fuck. There is a werewolf kid who interns there too. God, I hope she's not here."

"Don't worry. When we get out of here, I can track her no problem, and lost memories are child's play."

~"Pretty confident, aren't we?"~ Alex asked.

~"No one asked you."~

~"Showing off for our sexy werewolf friend is nothing to be ashamed of."~

~"Alex. I swear."~

"Thanks, Arix." Rory smiled.

"Don't worry about it."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 26, 2018 ⏰

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