Tsurugi/Hakuryuu/Shuu x Reader ~ Club Members

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Kariya: A 3 chara x Reader?

Gin: I guess.

Kariya: That's gonna hurt.

Gin: Only a little 😏

Kariya: Well... Requested by the lovely Reddishing_Chic . Enjoy~

Warning: this is quite long for a one-shot. I'm usually lazy at descriptions but I kinda put a little effort here. Just HERE. Hehe. Also, standby for OOC-nesssss~~~


(Your POV)


"Last name?"


"What's your last name?"


"I can't let you join the club without a last name."

"I don't have one."

"Okay, Hakuryuu I Don't Have One. Any special skills?"

"Agility, trainings in treating minor injuries. And charm amongst women."

You involuntarily cleared your throat and adjusted your glasses. You dared not look up at the sassy applicant yet you put his name under the accepted members.

"I consider the first and second specialty beneficial for the club. You're accepted. Please leave your number so I can contact you for our activities."

"Thanks," Hakuryuu did what you said and left.

The door swung open and another applicant entered.

"Good day Miss (L/n). I'm here to apply for the school rescue and medication club."

"That's very obvious, I see. Name?"


"Last name?"


You gave out a frustrated sigh. "Uggh. What's with people not having last names doing in my club?"

"I'm sorry."

"Anyway, any special skills? That can be useful for the club?" you said the last line a bit louder and with emphasis lest you hear something like charm amongst women again.

"I'm a versatile person. I also have training in CPR and I am skilled in wall and mountain climbing. I also love working with a team."

"Wonderful. You're in. Please leave your number."

"Thank you."


You hear the door swing open and close twice.

Without a word, a paper almost slammed on your desk, making you look up with a frown.

"My application," a deep voice said.

"We're you not taught at home not to slam things on a table?"

"I live alone."

"I see. Name?"

"Tsurugi Kyousuke."

A smile crept on your face. "Finally, someone with a last name."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Any special skills useful for the club?" you ignored his question.

You hear Tsurugi click his tongue before answering. "It's all in the paper."

"BE MINE" 💞 INAZUMA ELEVEN/GO X READER [ONE SHOTS] - [CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now