A noise came from the front of the house, a slight electric current appeared in the air, and I turned instinctively towards the still closed door of the bedroom.

Big mistake.

I screamed, my upper arm aching.

Anne had stabbed me.

She had stabbed me with the same shard that was still piercing out of her hand, the glass piece linking us, my blood mixing together with that of the vile woman underneath me.

The door to the hallway slammed open and this time both of us turned, our eyes landing on a bulky figure in a long brown coat.

A frantic-looking Callum was standing in the doorframe, chest heaving, eyes taking in the scene before him as he drew his conclusions of what was going on. He reached towards his belt where his gun usually was, realized the weapon wasn't there and cussed just as Anne imitated what I'd done to her minutes ago and headbutted me.

The blow landed on my mouth, my upper and lower teeth clashing forcefully, and as she pushed me away from her, I wondered if I wouldn't spit some of my pearly whites out.

Anne clambered to her feet, swaying, and found her way to the corner furthest from me and Callum, next to the remains of the small wooden table.

"Keri!" Callum was already beside me, helping me get up.

"Fuck," Anne muttered, appraising us as she no doubt tried to plan her next step. It was two on one now and I had already showed her that I wasn't an easy opponent. Pain throbbed in my torso and face, I was bleeding and it would be a while before I caught my breath, but she didn't look any better. There were trails of red liquid coming from both her nose and cheek - I couldn't even remember when in all the commotion I managed to hurt the latter - but her right hand was the worst, the glass shard she'd pulled out and discarded leaving a heavily bleeding hole on her.

"You okay?" Callum asked as his eyes tried to stay on my foe, but seemed to dart on their own accord towards me to catalogue my wounds.

"Yeah." I swiped my mouth, but my hand was so bloody, the movement probably added even more red to my face.

"Damn." Anne leaned on the wall behind her, then slid down to the floor. "Two against one. I guess I'm..."

"Don't even think about it!" I cut her off and stepped towards her, my body protesting with a jab of pain in my ankle. I ignored it, not bothering to try and recall when I'd gotten that part injured.

"Think about what?" Anne's question sounded innocent enough, but I could see the smile in her eyes.

"Going for the knife that's under the remains of the corner table. It's over. Stop fighting."

Callum grunted and moved past me and towards her.

"Wait." I grabbed him by the sleeve of his coat and that was all Anne needed. In a flash, she'd reached under what was left of the corner table, pulled the kitchen knife out and launched herself at us with a feral scream.

"Keri, watch out!" Callum shouted, pushing me away, and as I staggered back, I watched the blade slash his forearm.

Time stopped, my whole world narrowed to the red liquid quickly coloring his once brown coat sleeve red. My heart stopped, then drummed like crazy. Small tremors shook my body, fine hairs stood up and began to elongate along with my teeth and nails. I heard myself growl and I felt my clothes ripping, some parts falling to the floor, others clinging to my now wolf body. I jumped and landed on top of Anne, my jaws clamping down on her right wrist. She howled and trashed about, her eyes transforming to those of an animal.

Sentiments & Reason ✓ (Dogs, Bats & Monkeys series, Book II)Where stories live. Discover now