Found out

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Ellie giggles, causing Danny to pause in his story, "what?" He asks with a smile.

Ellie shakes her head and gives Danny a grin of her own, "it's just sweet that Dan decided to comfort Daniel like that."

Danny's eyes twinkle and he lets out a fond sigh, "yeah, he was," the smile drops, "it's just too bad that those moments couldn't last just a little longer..."

"What happened?"

Danny sighs, this time appearing as if a great weight had settled on his shoulders as he continues.


After that moment in their room, Angelite and Adventurine had grown closer to each other and were finally able to talk pleasantly with each other. They can't act much different in public, but Adventurine is a lot more inclined to speak up if someone insults his charge. His actions raise a few eyebrows, but most shrug it off as part of his assignment since Adventurine makes no bones about his orders to guard his Angelite.

When they are in private however, they act more fond of each other. Adventurine would never initiate anything unless asked, but he had became much more relaxed with giving the chilled Angelite hugs; though just being near him seems to help as well. Blue Diamond notices of course, but he never comments on it, giving the two gems a secret smile.

That all changes one day however.

It seems to be an ordinary day, Angelite and Adventurine are in Blue Diamond's audience room, when a pink pearl enters and bows low as blue pearl introduces her. Blue Diamond purses his lips before asking the pearl what Red Diamond needs from him.

"Red Diamond requires that Adventurine come with her to earth, she wishes for extra protection against the rebellion," the pink pearl says.

Blue Diamond sighs, "I will allow it, only if Angelite is allowed to accompany him."

"Your Radiance?" Angelite inquires. Blue Diamond gives him a kind smile.

"I believe that you need to see more than just my audience room and the Diamond palace young one...and earth is a very beautiful place after all, I'm sure you would enjoy it."

Angelite says nothing to that, simply frowning as the pink pearl bows again.

"As you wish, my Diamond."

The pearl leaves and Adventurine chooses that moment to speak, "forgive me, but why do you wish Angelite to come with me? He is not a warrior; Red Diamond does not need him."

"He will be needed, young quartz, of that I can assure you," Blue's red eyes sadden, "make sure you keep each other safe; we will see each other again sometime after."

Confused on Blue Diamond's strange behavior, all the two gems can do is nod. With that, they begin their journey to earth, unaware that their lives would change forever.

The next day finds the two gems boarding a ship shaped like a massive red arm, Adventurine marching along with the other quartz soldiers and Angelite staying at his side, unsure of where to go. The line of quartz, plus Angelite, march up to Red Diamond and salute her.

Red Diamond surveys the soldiers before her eyes lock onto Adventurine and she gives him a cool smile, "ah, I see you weren't too busy to attend me and my visit," her eyes flick to Angelite, who is standing behind and off to the side of Adventurine while trying to make himself as small and insubstantial as possible. She frowns at this, "Blue actually allowed his precious music box to leave his side?"

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