Chapter 2

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After he click 'next', another screen suddenly appear before him.


From : Unknown
Subject : Welcome to The Lost Pandora

Hello Miyazaki Naoki! Welcome to The Lost Pandora's world. As you already know, your soul has been chosen to transmigrate into this world.

The Lost Pandora's world is a fantasy world where all living things can use magic in their daily lives. The world also has 10 Races and their respective territories where each race has different magic and attribute capabilities, and has its own governance system.

Here, you will enjoy an incredible and unforgettable adventure as much as you can! We will give you an extra gift to make your adventure more interesting. We will also give you some important missions you have to do with a promising rewards.

You can ask for more details in the Chatting Box below :

--Chatting Box--

There are many things that Naoki wants to ask about this situation right now. So after reading the message he immediately clicked on the word 'Chatting Box'

--Do you want to open Chatting Box with 'Unknown'?--
+ Yes
+ No

Naoki hesitated for a while before he click, 'Yes'. The screen disappear before two new black screen appear with one of them looks like a chatting room's box

-- How do you wish to type in the chat? --
+ Auto
+ Manual

Naoki don't know what does it mean. But he decide to choose 'Auto' one.


× To chat with someone, you can choose how to type your conversation. Auto for automatically typing it down using your thought. Manual for typing it down manually using a keyboard available.
× You can make a group chat by invite someone to your chat.
× The group chat consist max 30 person.

So that's how is it.

--Unknown's Room--

-Unknown has entered the chat-

-Naoki has entered the chat-

<Unknown> Hello Miyazaki Naoki! Once again congratulations for having your soul chosen to transmigrated to this world. (> w <)/

<Unknown> If you have a question you can ask me here (^.^)

Naoki felt a bit relief. At least he can get some information for this unexpected events that happen to him. This Unknown seems like a nice and cheerful person based on how this guy speaking in the chat with some lively emoticon. Of course he is still cautious and doesn't trust this guy enough to immediately lowing his guard down. He is not that naive.

Though, seeing the difference with the way she or he typing between the messages and the chats... He can't help but think...

<Naoki> Such a childish person, just like a kid.

<Unknown> Wha-?! It's rude you know!

<Naoki> ....

<Unknown> Hey! Don't ignore me! Say something!

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