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Recap from the last chapter


I swear to god I know that fucking giggle.

I felt so relaxed just like when I was with her.

"You know you remind me of my childhood friend. Same first name and everything. She left me when I was 16. I never got to know why. But I'm still In love with her." I mumbled the last part, not expecting what I heard next.

Amelia's eyes widened in realization. "Gustav Elijah Åhr... from Long Island New York... My childhood bestfriend... My monkey... My peep..." Tears poured from the girls eyes.

It seems that she didn't know either.

Amelia's point of view.

He remembered me. He thought about me. All these years he really really thought about me. I wish I would have told him sooner. This all could have been prevented.

But he really does still care. I'm crying so hard. This means the world to me. I feel happy. I feel complete.


"Amelia..." Gus was holding onto me tightly. "Where have you been?" He said softly in my ear. "I needed you... and you weren't there." He was crying. I could feel the wet droplets on my collarbone.

"My mom took me from my dad." I stared off blankly trying not to let all the memories come in again. I was absentmindedly scratching a scar she gave me on my neck. Gus gasped softly. He pulled my hand away. It was bleeding now. He said quietly into my ear.

"Lia... did she hurt you again..?"

Tears flowed down my cheeks as the memories hit me. My breathing uneven I was frozen.


"You are worthless Korinna! You can't do anything right!" My mother said to me throwing a glass plate at my feet. I didn't seem to wash it properly. My feet were now cut.

I was bleeding. I fell to my knees on the glass. Cutting my knees as well. I picked each piece up with my fingers. My fingers were cut to the point of needing stitches.

I was crying when she grabbed me and threw me into a wall. I had just finished cleaning up the glass. Still bleeding blood went everywhere. "Look what you did! Your nasty blood is everywhere now!"


I got out of the paralysis a few minutes later. To see Gus was shaking me. "Amelia... Sweet heart... I'm right here. She isn't. I won't let her hurt you." He looked pained seeing me this way. This time it was me shaking in his arms.

"I love you."

He said sweetly, rocking me back and forth. I whispered softly a few minutes later.

"I love you too. Stay with me."

My eyes closed. I was now having memories of our childhood. The last thing I remembered was.

"He smells the exact same as he did when we were young"


"Gusss!" I ran into his house his mother greeting me with a big kiss on the cheek leaving her lipstick there and hug. "Lia! Gus is upstairs in his room like always! He's been waiting for you!" I ran upstairs and quickly into his room.

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