Luv u to the summer & back

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(Pre chapter A/N) I have 1,000% thought about this so much. I've decided to keep Jahseh in the story. Please continue reading. Please continue to support me. Thank you all.


Recap from the last chapter


Bexey gets up and unlocks the door and quickly lets in Lee. They quickly lock the door again when they hear Gus come running.

"Nope sorry, You still fuckin' suck." Gus sighed and walked off. Lee ran over to me and held me tight in her arms.


G.E.A- I do suck Bexey.

B.S- Oh?

G.E.A- Yeah, pussy. What the fuck is up?

B.S- Dick bag...


I felt safe again.

It just really sucks that I can't feel safe with Gus. Taking up for fucking rainbow puke hair.. What a dick.

Lee held me close and sang songs to me. Silly songs that everyone else picked up on and started to sit around us and sing too. I keep thinking about how blessed I am to have such amazing friends."


Lee's point of view


I told her. I know I told her. Before we left the future to come here I told her through text. "He's known for being very flirty with other girls." But no she said she could tame him.


K.L.Q- What did I tell you punk ass thot.

A.C.R- That...

K.L.Q- No say it.

A.C.R- That he was a flirtatious bastard and I might have to go through a whole lot to be with him and that it might not be worth it in the long run...

K.L.Q- Well damn I didn't mean my whole sentence Lia... But wasn't I right?

A.C.R- Fuck. You. Lee.


It doesn't matter. She needs me. She's hurting. I can't be mad at her. But I can be mad at him. I don't give a damn if he's flirting with rainbow puke or not.

He's hurting the only girl who really loves him. I'm going to text him once all these amazing losers fall asleep.

Which seems like it's soon. Bex is staring at me with lidded eyes. He's about it fall over. Amelia has been asleep for hours and shows no sign of waking up. She's laying in the bed in between Aria and Jah.

They all look comfy. Jah hasn't made a move. He's like Bexey and Amelia. But backwards. Aria and Jah are Gus and Amelia and Amelia is Bexey. Aka their kid. It's so sweet really.

Jahseh is cuddled into Amelia and so is Aria. Amelia is facing Jahseh but they are all cuddled. It's adorable. I got up and took a picture once Aria and Jah finally fell asleep with her.

Once Bexey was out I put a cover over him and kissed his head. He smiled in his sleep then I smiled. I could get used to seeing that smile.

B.S- Finally gonna be with me darlin'?

K.L.Q- Bex.. Hush...

B.S- Nono you aren't going to tell them about how mmMMmmMMmmMMmmm

K.L.Q- You really thought I'd let you tell the viewer? Dumb ass.

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