Chapter 9 - DreamCatcher

Start from the beginning

Why do dreams feel real sometimes? Why.

I can still hear her voice in the background of reality, her soothing tone calms me, hearing her voice after a dream like that instantly makes me feel relieved and safe... as if she is going to make everything alright.

"Chloe?" I mumble are I scrunch up my face, my eyebrows forming a frown, "yeah it's me, Come on" She says pulling at my arms gently.

I finally peel my eyes open slowly as I'm met with a dark room. I look around to see I'm sitting on one of the couches in the lounge room at the Bella's house.

Then I remember the sleepover and how we were watching a movie, I must have fallen asleep during it.

I look around on the other couches to see most of the girls have gone, but a couple remained like Jessica and Ashley who were asleep on one couch, and then Amy who was snoring away on another.

"Come on, you'll get a bad back if you sleep here all night, let's get you into a bed" Chloe whispers to me as I look up to see her standing above me.

I look down to see I'm covered by the blanket Chloe had across her when the movie started, "Okay" I whisper back in a groggy tone as as pull my legs around so my feet are planted on the floor.

As Chloe helps me stand up the blanket falls to the floor, "I've already put your bag upstairs so your pyjamas are on the bed" Chloe says as I look at her clothes noticing she had already changed into her pyjamas.

"Okay, thanks" I say as she smiles and steps to the side so I could pass, "what's the time?" I mumble as she turns her head to the side to look past me.

"Ahhh, almost midnight I think, everyone was pretty tired so they called it a night, plus we have a big day tomorrow" She says looking back at me.

"Big day?" I say raising an eyebrow as she smirks, "you're just going to have to wait and see" she winks at me while I roll my eyes and step pass her and begin walking to the stairs.

"Oh, we were given Aubrey and Stacie's old room" she says as I nod before stopping at the bottom of the stairs.

I look back to see Chloe has picked up the blanket that I had dropped on the floor only to walk over and spread it across Amy.

I smile before I turn back around and make my way up the stairs, Chloe said 'we' were given Aubrey and Stacie's old room so I'm assuming that means her and I.

I make my way to the room as quiet as I can, knowing the others are probably trying to get some sleep.

I open the door to see my bag sitting at the end of the bed, my pyjamas on top of the covers.

I look over at the other bed seeing Chloe's bag sitting at the bottom of the bed, I smile knowing Chloe must have organised us to sleep in the same room.

The room isn't much different to how I remember it, the lay out is the same, except the new Bellas who now sleep in here have decorated it a little different.

I grab my pyjamas off the bed and make my way into the small bathroom connected to the bedroom before closing the door behind me.

To be honest I'm kind of glad I'm sleeping in the same room as Chloe tonight. I mean... it's weird I guess but I'm so used to it.

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