part 15

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As we drove down the never ending road to Morgen Academy, my soon to be new home, the sky began to turn the colour of fire as i watched the sun set into the distance. It was nice, i've never really taken the time to notice the simple beauties in life. A sudden realisation came to mind, i turned my head to Luca

"Hey, we never went to see that 'old friend' of yours" i said putting ar quotations at old friend, he raised his eyebrows before furrowing them at me

"We already met her, Rosemary" i made a silent oh "She's really nice, you'll love being her neighbour"

"What?" i asked confused

"Well, it's a boarding school, and you get like rooms to stay in, you have your own room and she has one next to you"

"How do you know this?"

"I will make sure of it" he said smugly "I can be very persuasive, s'wat being an angel's all about"

"Don't you ever refer to yourself as a vampire?" i asked looking at his face for any tel tale signs of him not being comfortable with the question, his jaw clenched then unclenched

"Not great being part angel part diseased piece of shit" he sighed "i just try to forget what happened all those years ago. I mean sure its funny scaring people but there's only so many times one can stand being the reason for disgust and horror"

"That's so sad, i had no idea..." after a moment i reached over and placed my hand over his. He squeezed my hand "I am always here" i said "always"

"Thanks, it's nice having someone to talk to" he said smiling i smiled back at him

"So. You and Rosemary..." i said her name in a sensual voice "You'd tap or have you already tapped?" i asked him, he laughed

"Ha! I'd like to tap yeah"

"Well why don't you?"

"Why? That's like asking why i don't wake her up with a morning dose of penis..." i laughed at his description, no noise was coming out "I can't just go and tap..."

"Isn't that what you normally do...?"

"Only to girls who aren't worth..."

"Hanging up the tap shoes" we said at the same time "I remember yeah. So you really like her?"

"Yeah dude, i mean she has always been the girl i wanted to spend the rest of my life with. We spent most of eternity together as friends anyway so that's like nearly all my life" i sucked in a sharp breath

"Ouch, friend zone for most of eternity...that defiantly requires the burn unit."

"Tell me about it" he said "I just want to be more than friends with her"

"Is she half vampire too?"

"No, thank god, i wouldn't want her to go through this shit"

"Why, what kinda shit happens?" he looked at me in disbelief

"Haha! Cam hasn't told you? Oh wow" he continued laughing under his breath "Basically, every 5 months we have to go do this cleansing ritual, the disease that made us angels vampire angels kinda eats away at our ability to be protected from demonic possession and other brain shit, and it's fucking painful, they literally cut you here" he indicated to top of his forehead by his hairline "To about all the way down, then they strip your skin and throw you into the tears of angels, and that shit is lethal, burns away the evil, but you can't scream, because if you scream you drown in angel tears. Then, after that you wait a couple hours for your skin to grow back and shit then you leave, happy as a bunny. Except if your a deamon"

"Why? what happens to Cam? its can't be as bad as yours can it?" i ask not knowing if i really want the answer, the thought of Luca having to go through something like that was enough to make me want to throw up my stomach, to hear that Cam has to go through worse seems unbearable

"Well, he is half demon that puts him in the shithole already"

"How? you know other that the fact that he is basically hell bound"

"Being a demon is a curse, what the bible failed to mention, what my stupid brother failed to mention is that it rots whats left of their soul. Every demon has the potential to be an angel again, it's happened like a couple times, but the curse is strong and only a few people can withstand it's power, it makes you do bad things to good people, to yourself and it's just a never ending spiral of shit. Everyday is another you wish you never woke up for" he looks over to make sure I'm still with him, i blinked once and he carried on "Well, him and his kind are injected with more of the vampire disease which essentially kills their souls even more, Lucifer only wants the strongest men, and then there comes the gut wrenching pain that's like swallowing acid and having to have your skin slashed with silver knives to get rid of what is basically bits of your soul"

"Wow..." i try hard to hold back from gaging and try to stop imagining this stuff happening "That. is wrong" i say as i look out into the road i see a body on the ground "Wait, is that a person?" i ask as Luca pulls up beside it, i take my seat belt off and open the car door

"Wait, Ada" he says grabbing my arm "Stay in the car" he opens his door and i see him walking over to the body, it looks to be a someone, around My age. For a second i see a glimpse of something in the rear view mirror and as i look up i see a pair of big brown eyes. Derren. I felt his hands hold my shoulders

"Well, lookie here. The precious Ada" he whispered, his warm breath smoothing over my neck "...i've brought you a little present" he says looking at the body lying on the floor "I'm sure you'll thank me that you owe me one" and with that he disappeared i took a ragged breath and got out of the car and ran up to the body

"Ada, what are you doing?" Luca looked at me. I ignored him and turned the body over and froze. lying before me was my brother


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