The Accident: Chapter 3

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Dax was pulled from his dreams by an ear splitting siren. He was tempted to simply turn over and try to hide from it all, but he knew he couldn't. Whatever the White Suits planned to do, Dax wanted to know about it. He threw a shirt on under the now blood red light. 

He crawled through the hole and peered out over Pit. The deep red color illuminated every building, car, body, and any other item that the White Suits had thrown in. Above, the White suits bustled in each direction like a swarm of ants. Dax scrambled down the side of the rock. He couldn't seem to see what was going on from his rock. "I'll just go find out myself" he told himself. 

He ran his fingers through his brown hair, working up the courage. Then he started running. "If I can't see it from my cave, then what's going on must be in the next Dump over." He muttered to himself. Suddenly, the man-made items where no longer littered across the ground and there was nothing but the cave floor and stalactites. Dax ran along the well worn path that connected the two Dump Sites. 

Suddenly, with no warning, the sirens stopped and the cave was plunged into absolute silence. Dax froze from fear. His heartbeat was so loud in his ears, he was sure that the White Suits could hear it. Eventually his heart calmed down, and he started off again. He spotted a ledge not too far from him and scrambled up. His hand slipped and he whipped around, the Pit spinning around him in dizzy circles. "Close one, Dax." He scolded himself. He regained his balance and scrambled the rest of the way up. 

From his new post, Dax could see over the entire Dump Site. Large metal doors on the other side of the cave rattled open. Squinting, Dax could see White Suits pushing a large cage in. Something big, white, and furry was inside. 

"Should I go see?" he asked himself. Finally his curiosity got the best of him and he slipped back down to the Pit floor. The sirens had started up again and Dax kept an extra sharp eye out for the mutants. He hadn't seen any signs of them. "Probably hiding." He scoffed. "Cowards."

Dax slid behind a car and peeked through the broken windows. The White Suits had already pushed the cage out into the open. By now, Dax could see what was inside. 

"A monster!" 

The thing was at least as tall as the building that Dax had gotten his water from. There were six legs, each ending in paws that had wickedly large claws. There wasn't much of a tail, but intimidating tusks jutted from the lower jaw. The monster opened its mouth and let out a roar that made the hairs on the back of Dax's neck stand straight up. 

The White Suits scrambled back behind the large metal door and it noisily shut. The little red light towards the top of the cage flickered, until it stop glowing it completely. The cage door crashed to the ground. The monster took no time in jumping into freedom. It stood, all six paws firmly on the ground. It threw its head into the air and inhaled. Then it turned its beady eyes towards the car where Dax was crouched behind. Its lips curled back, revealing deadly canines. 

One swat of it's clawed paw was all it took to send the little red car flying, leaving Dax exposed. MOVE! He screamed to himself, but his body was frozen in fear, his mouth creating an O-shape. Great. he thought. Now I'm gonna die with the same face as the disease victims. 

The monster crashed down upon him and somehow, Dax managed to maneuver his body out of the path of the stomping feet. the tip of one claw sliced his arm and blood spilled everywhere. Rocks began pelting the six-legged monster and yells rang out from between the cars and houses. The monster turned away from Dax and fixed its eyes on the twenty mutants. 

Dax took this as an invitation to retreat and find somewhere to hide. He began running, only stopping when the world around him began to spin. Loss of blood messed with his head. He turned and slipped into a mostly intact house. A pile of towels lay next to the fireplace and Dax curled up next to it, tying one of the towles tightly around his arm, hoping to stop the blood.

He wriggled around, getting comfortable. Then his slipped shut and somehow found sleep with the sound of the siren still ringing around him. 


The flickering of light in the Pit didn't wake Dax the next morning. His eyes remained closed until he felt someone shaking him awake. Dax's eyes opened slowly, the light almost painful. He half expected to see the gang of mutants, but instead he was looking into the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen. 

"Are you dead??"


WOO HOO!! I'm woring through these like its no one's business!!


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