Childhood: Part Two

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You were excited; after all, this is your first time performing with your parents and without a net. You were, as mentioned before, excited and nervous at the same time. What if you fall? But wait, you shouldn't think like that. And even if you do, you should make it look like you did it on purpose. Yeah, no one would ever know. Maybe besides your parents, of course. You can never hide anything from them.

"E-escu'e me? I-is anyone 'ere?" A young voice asked, breaking you from your thoughts. Then you hear hiccups. What?

"C-can anyone pl-plis h-h'lp me? I-I'm los'!" You look around to see a boy two to three years old walking around, sobbing. You, being a sucker for small children, approached him.

"Hey, hey. It's gonna be alright!" You start, "I'm Ricci, what's your name?"

He looks up to you with teary blue eyes. Oh, he's adorable! "'m Timmy..." He sniffed.

"Well, Timmy, what are you doing here?" You ask.

"I wa' here wi' m-my parens to w-wach flying Graysons." You smile at that. Hearing that kids admire you and your family, it warms you. Makes you feel... fluffy inside.

"I can help you look for your parents if you want!" And you really do want to help him.

"O-okay, than' you."

"You're welcome, Timmy."


"Tim! There you are! We've been so worried!" A woman exclaims, grabbing on to the little boy you've been helping. A man who you assumed to be her husband rushes towards them and hugs them both tightly. "Don't ever do that again!"

"Yes, daddy an' mommy. T-than' you, nice lady!" Timmy says, and almost immediately, his parents snap their heads towards you.

"Did you help Tim?" The man asks you.

"Yes, sir." You start, "Timmy somehow found himself in front of our family's trailer, and I heard him ask for help so I helped him."

"Thank you, thank you so much! We've been worried about him!" They both say, gratitude rolling off them in waves.

You suddenly felt shy. Nobody thanked you this much before. Scratching the back of your head, you said, "It's no problem at all!"

They both looked at each other. For a moment, it was silent. Then they thanked you again, and left because they didn't want to miss the show. Speaking of the show, you suddenly remembered that you will be performing today. You swore. Shit.


Of course. Of fucking course. Everything was to good to be true. You knew you shouldn't have gotten attached but that was the way you are. As it is right now, your parents are dead. They fell, right before you were gonna join them.

You remember screams. You remember blacking out. You remember waking up to being put in a juvenile detention center, all because of your Romani blood. You remember the names CindyAdamAllieHenry, the faces baddangerous and the "teasing" nomorepleaseithurts. And most of all, you remember being taken.

(A/N: yay another chapter woohoo. to those who reads this, thank you for wasting time on my trash. i appreciate it.)

(A/N: i edited some things here, since i noticed that i used 1st pov in some parts, so if you guys see it, please tell me! thanks! and again, thanks for reading this trash!)

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