Animals revenge

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After a scientist accidentally creates a virus that starts making animals smarter and allowing them to evolve to where they can stand on 2 legs and talk and have hands they then deiced to take revenge on humans by making a virus for humans that slowly makes them start act how Animals used to act(so some would act like dogs others cats and some apes and others animals)first humans lose the ability to stand on 2 legs once that happens the animals take over they stripe the humans of there cloths and puts them in cages.

Here are some scenarios i'd like to do

#1 A human who is forced into a pet shop cage IS bought by there former pet and taken back to there home which now belongs to the animal who treats it's former owner the way they treated it.

I'd like to be the human in this one

#2 A mother and her son are visiting a circus when everything happens and soon find themselves in one of the circus cages where animals look at them like how humans used to and the new owners of the circus starts training them to do tricks for the circus show.

For this one i'd like to be the son if your interested in this one you can be the mother and we can both be some of the animals.

#3 A mother and Son who runs a farm are forced into the animals stables when there animals take over and soon start doing what the farm animals used to do.

Again for this one i'd like to be the son if your interested you can be the mother and we can both be some of the animals.

#4 20 years have past since the animals took over and any trace of humans ruling has been erased and most humans have given in to there new animal instincts but one woman who was 8 when it happened and is a house pet still remembers the old ways of the world and even know she acts like like a animal she tries teaching her young son how to be a normal human in hopes future generations can take the world back.

Again i'd like to be the son if your interested you can be the mother and we can both be some of the animals.

Also other humans can show up in any of these ones if you want to add characters.

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