Chapter 4

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The next morning number 12 Grimmauld Place was filled with activity that morning an army of House-elves cleaning and getting rid of certain dark artifacts that would harm a baby or dark creatures that were lurking in the dark, all beside the Lethifolds that was sleeping on the couch. Hadrian just watch the spectacle with an amusement look in his eyes, while he was feeding baby Harry his bottle of milk for the day. Hadrian sighed as today was the day he had to go and find a rat. No doubt that Peter Pettigrew was at Hogwarts at this moment but Hadrian wanted to bring Dumbledore's reputation down he's not going to have a lot of power once I'm done. But I have to remain patient that means serious must remain in Azkaban for a few months or even years for this to work I need to speak to the goblins.

Hadrian thought as he called for kitty. Kitty is a female house-elf who specialize in taking care of children. Unlike the other purebloods, Hadrian does not mistreat house elves, unlike the other house-elves who wear just a pillow sheet. Hadrian's house elves were wearing the standard uniform of a butler and Maid with his family crest on the right breast of their uniform that they made with the fabric that Hadrian bought for them. With a small pop, kitty was standing in front of her master. doing a small curtsy and said, "what can Kitty do for lord Peverell." Hadrian smiled and said "Yes I would like for you to look after Harry for me while I'm out I have business to discuss with the Goblins and hunt down a certain rat, And also make sure there isn't any dark artifact lingering in Grimmauld place, and please place all dark artifacts in the library for me to examine later on and that will be all Kitty."

Kitty bowed and took Harry with her as Hadrian graded his invisibility cloak and using apparition to get to Hogwarts hidden under his invisibility cloak. Hadrian sighed in relief and started walking through the empty Halls seeing that the students were all in class that was good on his part. Sneaking into the lion's den was ridiculously easy with his cloak. All Hadrian had to do was wait for somebody to say the password and he slipped in with them undetected.

Making his way up to the first year dorms, With a grimace of disgust, he approached the cage that Pettigrew was sleeping in. Stunning the already sleeping rat, Hadrian reached in and grabbed him. Going to the room of requirement, Hadrian transfigured a rock into a cage and set about warding it. Placing the rat inside, Hadrian revived him and sent a stinging hex. Seeing the rat suddenly jerk awake, Hadrian smiled, not realising how sadistic he looked in that moment.

"Hello, Peter," he said, enjoying how the rat panicked and let out a pained squeak as he obviously tried to transform and found himself unable.

"Now, now Peter, you wouldn't want to do that. This cage is special. You won't be able to transform or escape from it not until I let you out," Hadrian said.

Hadrian flicked his wand so that a small food and water dispenser appeared; it wouldn't be good for the rat to die before he had gotten Sirius free. Place the cage in a bottomless bag.

Things were working out perfectly. Hadrian thought as he exited the room and the door sealed and disappeared behind him. He stood and faced the portrait of Barnabas the Barmy and at the same time thinking of a new room which he could use. He began the same process he did on the previous two occasions to open the Room.

"Now, I need a room where all the rare and old things that have been lost at Hogwarts are."

The door began to form again, yet much slower than the previous occasions which indicated to Hadrian that the Room was actually summoning the items instead of creating them. "There must be a goldmine behind that door", thought Hadrian, not even attempting to hide the greed in his thoughts. "There will be a large amount of things, considering that Hogwarts has been around for just under a millennium. The amount of times that it was renovated also means there should be a lot."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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