Chapter 1

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It was a cold November night the residents of privet drive where sleeping soundly completely unaware of the flash of light appearing in the middle of the street there stood or layed a 21-year-old man. The man was none other than Hadrian Peverell. he was laying in the middle of the street naked. his body covered with ancient runes from the base of his neck to his toes. There were a few lacerations and scars he got from the previous battles when he was a child and the abuse that He received from his loving relatives. let's not forget the ones recently made by his lover.

Besides the scars on his body. Hadrian is an extremely handsome young man with a height of 5'10', a well-toned body. As his hair, had seemed to have grown a bit and it's once the color of the darkest shade of brown now turn a lovely shade of midnight black that reaches down to his lower back. Slowly and groggily getting up letting the cold air hit his fair skin. Hadrian Shivered when the cold air hit his skin only for him to look around and let out a groan knowing all too well. where he exactly landed. Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.

Checking on one of the runes on his bicep that contained all his money. the Potter Fortune the black Fortune and all of the artifacts that he had in every Vaults in Gringotts. from his time that he carries on his person not trusting anyone back in his time. only a select few that he left a little bit of his fortune too. but the rest of his Fortune went with him. Conjuring some clothes That were stylish and comfortable for cold weather. Hadrian quickly got dressed and started walking around the neighborhood. Only to stop when he saw black shape laying at the doorstep of house number four. Hadrian's eyes widened as he knew who that baby was. "Harry!" he yelled out as he ran to words the small baby boy. Carefully picking up the crying baby and rocking him gently "shhh its okay Harry I'm here, I'm here." Hadrian said in a soft tone. Rocking the Baby back and forth trying to calm him down. the moment Hadrian said those kind words. baby Harry stop crying and open his little eyes showing the stunning emerald green eyes that match his own.

Hadrian smiled as he Rocked the Baby gently and notice the note that fell out of the bundled blanket. picking up Hadrian beginning to read. Hadrian suspicions were correct the letter says that he lost his parents Lily and James Potter was killed by the dark lord and also said that Harry survive the killing curse Which leads to the demise of Voldemort. Hadrian saw that Dumbledore signed it. Blasted fool, leaving a magical child in the hands of magic hating Muggles. No, not this time I won't let you have your way old man not again Harry won't be your weapon.

If I don't have any say about it. It's a good thing that Tom is gone for now but he will be back, I just Know It. I don't know if I could handle Tom at the moment he was crazy, possessive, obsessive and many more things. But right now, I don't have to deal with Tom now. I have to take Harry and raise him myself. I can't leave him in the care of those Muggles. There the fact that I can't leave Dumbledore as Harry's magical guardian, and Preventing him from stealing from the Potter vaults and stealing the invisibility cloak. I know he's after the deadly Hallows as well and I have to prove Sirius Black is innocent and find Peter Pettigrew. "We have a lot work of head of huh baby harry." Hadrian said as looked at baby harry with smile as the baby just giggled. Without looking bad both Hadrian and baby Harry disappeared from number 4 privet Drive.

Landing a few feet from the Leaky Cauldron in the Muggle side of London. Hadrian looked around and saw no one. he quickly walked towards the Leaky cauldron holding a now sleeping Baby Harry. Carefully covering the baby's scar so no one can see it. Stepping into the Leaky Cauldron. Hadrian saw that the bar or the lower lobby of the Leaky Cauldron was completely empty only a few people ordering drinks at eating what it seems to be a late dinner.

Quickly walking Towards the barman, Tom and order a room that he and his son will be staying for a week and also that he has business in Gringotts tomorrow.

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