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Newts POV.
I woke without a start..... which is very unusual.
"Whoa shit" I mumbled rubbing my eyes. I stared blankly at the wall across the room, my mind was searching for the nightmares I was positive I was sure to have. But I couldn't remember them... and I wasn't uptight... wow. I didn't, I didn't have a nightmare! I clicked my tongue, maybe it's a new start. Then her breath caught in her chest, my eyes frantically rushed over her frame. She hiccuped and her breathing was normal again. I sighed out,
"Hey princess" I mumbled.
It Was going to be a long day...

Your POV
One name came to my mind as soon as I fell into unconsciousness in the Maze. Newt. I thought about how much pain he would be in and I forgot my own, I thought about his relationships with the other boys and how they would have to be put on hold because I knew... god I knew he wouldn't leave me until I woke up and that's what made me fight off death, I could've slipped so easily into its arms and let the angels take me... but it was Newt, it would always be Newt that would get me through anything and so I tried pushing the darkness off me. I tired screaming, I tried with all my might to wave my arms.. nothing would move. The weight lifted off my stomach. I felt my breath hiccup in my chest. Then I heard
"Hey princess"

Newts POV
I leaned forward and rested my head in my hands. I heard the familiar sound of the box rumbling up. New Greenie. Boys yelling to each other to come and see who was there and George waiting anxiously to go back down in the box...
"Hey mate hows she doin'" I flipped my head up Clint was standing there with his arms folded looking between y/n and me.
"Alright, I think" I mumbled. I wasn't in the mood for talking, I wanted to be alone with her.
"I need to check on her bud" he coughed awkwardly.
"Sure" I said and slid my stool back. He came and stood in front of me.
"Do ya need help?" I asked folding my arms
"Nah I'll be done soon"
"Righto, tell me when I'm gonna go take a walk" I nodded and reluctantly headed out.

Your POV
princess. Who would call me princess other than if I was in a relationship with someone? It was Newt.
I tried calling for him yelling, all I wanted was to call him, let him know I'm okay, but I was trapped in my own body and I couldn't do anything about it.

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