Chapter One

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Series Point of View

I stood in the honeymoon sweet waiting on James, my new husband. He had to rush to the hospital to perform a emergency surgery on a baby. He was so sweet but, I wish he would put work side so we could spend some quality time together.

We had gotten married just a few hours ago. We meet when I moved to Seattle three years ago. At first sight we clicked. His straight blonde hair that caught at his nape topped off with his blue-grey eyes that took my breath away. He was always the perfect boyfriend as well as a gentleman and tonight was the night I would give him the thing I treasured most.

I fiddled with the wedding band that now decorated my left ring finger. It was a small platinum band  with a small three carrot diamond. I wasn't mad at the ring because it was the thought that counts.

The wedding had been very good however, it felt slightly rushed. I wore a white sun dress with silver flat shoes and a silver clip in my hair.

When it was time to say our vows James had made the pastor skip to the part where we said I do.

None of my family had been able to attend the wedding. They couldn't afford the ticket and James wasn't able to give me any money to buy them tickets.

Sure I was upset but as soon as I make enough money at my store as a florist I will send for them.

They had only met him twice. The first time I bought him home my mom and dad didn't approve if him. It got me really upset. When asked the reason they both said he didn't have a good and honest aura.

I was flabbergasted. I had finally found the one who I though I will spend the rest of my life with and my parents didn't approve.

After continuous begging they dropped the topic and only acknowledged him when they needed to. It was better than nothing though.

The second time they met him was on Thanksgiving when Sefanie's grandmother Taylor came over to spend the day with them.

She was the sweetest old lady ever however, as soon as she saw James she said the same thing. I think my mother and father planned for that to happen.

It still felt like it was just yesterday that they met. Short and sweet. We were both in starbucks to get coffee and I slipped and spilt mine all over his white shirt. I was mortified.

I asked if I could clean it and rebuy him a coffee. He graciously accepted my offer and two months later we began talking.

I looked at the clock as it struck nine fifty nine. One minute more and it would be ten. The hospital had been calling him a lot lately. It seemed as though as soon as we'd be alone their was an emergency.

"Where are you James?" I fiddled with the ring some more and continued to watch the clock.

The quite room was soon interrupted with the blaring of the phone. Getting up I quickly rushed over to answer it. Maybe it was James. But if it was him why didn't he just call my cell phone. "Hello?"

"Is this Mrs. Series LaCross?" The woman's voice asked.

"Yes this is she, who am I speaking to?"

"I'm a nurse from the Angel's emergency care center calling to inform you that your husband Mr. James LaCross was brought in not too long ago and pronounced dead."

"What?" I gasped feeling the air leaves my lungs.

"I'm sorry for you loss ma'am. You need to make an appearance at the hospital right now. Their are some officers awaiting you for questioning-" I hung up the phone not caring if she had finished speaking.

James was gone.

My feet felt as if they could not endure the weight of my body and I collapsed on the ground. Tears sprang to my eyes.

This must be a dream


One month later

I felt completely numb as I watched the Lawyer read the will. James had been buried two days ago all expenses were covered by myself as he had no other family members.

I had watched as they closed the casket containing the love of my life. How it was lowered into the ground and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I had written to my parents to tell them the news as they had no signal back in my home town. They had written back giving me their condolences and hoping they could save enough up to come visit me or I could go visit them.

The funeral had a great turn out. I noticed a few nurses and doctors as well as a couple new faces I had never seen before. I received condolences from left, right and center but none truly registered. I spent my days being completely zombie like.

My happily ever after turned into a happily never after.

"Mrs. LaCross?" I snapped out of my thoughts looking at Mr. Newman.

"Sorry you were saying?" I faked a smile to ease the awkward tension.

"Your late husband left you the house, two thousand dollars and his car. I cannot disclose any more information to you in regards of his will so you can leave." I took a few seconds to wrap what he said around my head and got up.

He did the same and held out his hand. "Have a pleasant day ma'am."

"Thank you." I was never one for materialistic things but what had James been hiding. I doubt as a doctor he made that small amount of money but still something didn't add up. What was in the rest of his will?

James had no one else, I should know.

Sighing I walked out of the building and headed towards the bus to take me home. I had a car but I never felt the need to drive my little blue beetle. James had bought a mansion for us before the wedding well that was what he told me. He was the one that went out and did it. Later he showed me the key and bam we moved in together.

The house was already lonely without him and the memories we had inside their was truly killing me softly. He was a honest and good man. One of the rear breed that was hard to find.

Eventually I got a bus and two hours later I was home. I kicked my flip flops off and headed upstairs to our bedroom.

The house wasn't personalized. It didn't have any pictures of us or personal touches like that, so I didn't feel really bad selling it. My bedroom soon came into view and I took off my cover up and plopped on top of it.

In a few weeks I'll have this place off my hands and I'll slowly but surely move on. I doubt I'll ever love another like I loved James. He was it for me.

Sighing I rolled onto my side and willed the tears to go away. No more crying Series. Blowing out a deep breath I got up prepared my self for the up coming evens.

As of this moment on I'll give my days my all.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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