Chapter Nineteen: Live fast Die young

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"it's getting late, let's go home and get dried up." she smiled as she ruffled my hair and did the same to aki.

After a long warm bath together in the bathhouse we were all dressed and back home.

Sakura-nee was warming up the soup she had made earlier today.

"Here, eat up now." sakura placed the bowl down and we grabbed our spoons. The soup was hot and steam was coming out of it.

"I have to do an autopsy tomorrow, so you to are going to stay in the hospital with the other nurses. You two better not run off. understood?"

"hai! nee-chan!" we both squealed and she smiled. "Good now eat up before it gets too cold." she smiled as she sat down to eat with her own plate.

We all ate together and then she tucked us in bed. I felt a little sad.  I missed mama, she usually let us sleep in her bed but sakura had a small bed and we didn't want to bother her. I curled up beside Aki and slowly drifted off.


The next morning nee-san woke us up extra early, she dressed us up and brushed our teeth. The sun wasn't even out. I couldn't help but feel upset that she was up so early but I let her carry me to her work.

Aki fell asleep as soon as Nee-san picked her up and I did the same.

When I woke up we were curled up in a hospital bed. A nurse walked in with a box of toys. "ill tell sakura-san you are awake." she smiled as she left.

I got up and began looking through the toys throwing them to the side when I found them boring.

"ryuu-chan..." Aki grumbled as she got up her hair was sticking up in different directions. "Look at the toys." I say pointing at them.

"Look this teddy is missing an eye." Aki held up the teddy bear.

"poor teddy, maybe that's why he's here. cause he's hurt." I mutter as I stand up.

"Lets treat him just like Sakura-nee treats her patients." aki grins and I nod.

We were wrapping bandages on the teddy's eye when Sakura-nee walked into the room.

"Ah there you are. Sorry that I woke you two up so early. But today I had an early shift." she said with a weak smile.

"Since I'm doing an autopsy you two will stay here. I told a nurse to bring you toys so you can play." she added as she bent down to see what we were doing.

"Teddy is hurt so we are fixing him, just like you do Sakura-nee." Aki held teddy up and Sakura-nee smiled.

"Wow, Aki ....ryuu I can already tell teddy is feeling better. You sure you don't want to become medical ninjas or doctors instead of just ninja? I'll be sure to recommend you." she grinned.

I felt my cheeks get hot. "You think we treated him well?" I asked my voice nor nearly as loud as aki's.

"I'm sure he will be all better by tomorrow." she patted my head and I tried to hide my face.

"Ryuu your blushing." Aki teased and I pouted in return.

Sakura-nee chuckled as she got up.

"I brought breakfast, so eat up." she placed the bento's on the table.

"and here some juice. I'll come clean up later but I want you two to eat up. " she stated as she picked us up and sat us down on the chairs.

we began eating and she left.

The room was very quite and Aki was holding onto teddy as she ate.

"I wanna play outside." I grumble.

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