Chapter 6

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It was now a couple of weeks after the night at Coney Island. I was staying at Lana’s apartment again on this specific night. I smile to myself as I remembered we got together only a few months after this.

I stare up at the ceiling as I wait for her to get out of the shower. I start putting together random dates in my head. Calvin told me I got in the crash on July 27th. He said that I’ve been in a coma for around two weeks now. He explained that since we’re in a slightly different dimension, time moves at different paces. It only felt like three days in this unconscious form. But in reality, time has gone by much faster. It makes my blood feel like ice as I think about how Lana’s doing in the present time.

I grit my teeth as the thought of her crying over me still burns in my mind. I inhale deeply, then exhale slowly to push the thought out of my head and focus on the task at hand.

Do what you need to do and get back to Lana.

I hear footsteps down the hallway to the right of me as Lana emerges from it. Her hair is wet, and she’s only in a tank top and underwear. She walks to the kitchen, her hips swaying almost teasingly at me, and my cheeks begin to burn. I divert my gaze down to my lap, swallowing hard.

“The bar’s a bust tonight because it started raining really hard and no one wanted to go out, so I guess we’re stuck here tonight,” she calls from the kitchen. I didn’t even notice it was raining, being too deep in thought. Out the window, rain came pouring down from the black sky.

“Oh, I was on my phone. I didn’t even notice.” I lie.

I hear cabinets being opened and closed, and glass being set on the counter. “Well, since you’re over here and I wanna do something fun tonight,” she says as she emerges from the kitchen with two bottles of liquor in her hands, along with two shot glasses in between her fingertips.

“I’ve got whiskey and vodka, and we’re just gonna have a me and you night! We can do whatever.”

I grinned. “Well, let’s get super drunk tonight then.”

She returns the smile back to me. “Sounds great.”


She sets the bottles down on table in front of me, then sets a shot glass in front of me. Sitting across the table from me, she unscrews the cap off of the vodka bottle and pours two shots.

Holding up the glass in her hand, she opens her mouth to speak. “Here’s to stupid weather and good friendship.” cracking a smile, I toast with her, then immediately down my shot. The liquor burns in my throat, making it’s way down to my stomach.

She pulls out a two-liter of Mountain Dew and hands it to me. “Hold this, I’m gonna go get the cups.”

I bit my lip as she stood up again, the tan curves of her hips caught my eye due to the thin red piece of fabric covering them. Mine. My consciousness hissed. I poured another shot while Lana got the glasses, and downed it quickly.


After a few cups of Whiskey and Mountain Dew, Lana and I were drunk. I couldn’t remember what we were even talking about; we just told random stories and laughed about them until we drank just a little bit more.

“So, one time,” I hiccuped in between sentences, “I was at one of my concerts, yeah? And I specifically warned people not to touch my keyboard, right?”

Lana nodded, sipping her drink.

“Well, this douchebag, he-he..uh, he touched my keyboard. So, I punched him in the face.”  I giggle.

Lana’s face turns red as she starts laughing, burying her face in her hands. My heart melts a bit. She’s so goddamn cute.

I sigh audibly, running my fingers through my hair.

“Marriiiinnaaaaa,” Lana slurs. “Don’t be sad. Aw. Why do you look sad?” she got up from where she was sitting and staggered over to me, plopping down on my lap.


She giggles, pressing a finger to my lips. I opened my mouth to say something, but she cut me off.

“I love you, Marinaaaaaah.” she mumbles, then removes her finger from my lips and replaces it with her own. They were soft and plump, tasting like alcohol. They moved effortlessly against mine, like they fit perfectly. Her nimble fingers are tracing down my torso and back up again, desire pulsing through my veins. Her tongue slipped into my mouth, dominating mine almost immediately. Her hands stop at my breasts and she squeezes them playfully. I let out a soft moan into her mouth as her hands snake up my top, cool fingertips brushing against my own warm skin.

She detaches her lips from mine and bites my neck, a playful, yet lustful look in her eyes. I open my mouth to say something but a moan erupts from my throat as she sucks on my pulse point, pleasure thundering through my nerves.

“La-naa..” her name is broken on my lips, but I must say something to halt her actions.

She raises her head, a puzzled look on her features. ‘We-we’re drunk and I don’t want to..” I start, then a slightly hurt look is in her eyes. My heart cracks a little.

“..I love you too, Lana.”


Author's Note: Almost smut, but not quite! Oh, so Anyways, sorry for the wait on this chapter. If you like it, let me know!

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