Chapter 8

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"I'm kind of nervous." Marina mumbled shyly. My hands were over her eyes and I was leading her through the pier downtown. "I really don't want to fall."

"Trust me, I won't let you fall." I whispered ad kissed her cheek. I led her down a footpath until we were at the end of a dock. "Okay, stop walking." I sat down on the dock, my legs overhanging. Marina opened her eyes and grinned.

In front of us was a dark lake, but the surrounding area was illuminated by the lights of the city. I patted the damp wood next to me and she sat down. I didn't want to do anything super fancy, Marina didn't like those kinds of things. Plus, I figured we could just sit and talk, considering we had dinner together all the time.

"It's really pretty out here." She rested her head on my shoulder. "This is my first actual date, ya know."

"Oh? Well, it's my honor to be your first date."

"You're probably more experienced than me."

"Not really."


"No, it's true. I'm not really good at these sorts of things. Like I'm seriously on edge, since I really don't want to mess this up."

"How could you? You're always this, like, Prince Charming. You don't have anything to worry about."

"But, I'll always worry about it."

"Why? You don't need to."

"I don't deserve you. One day you'll realize that." I stared at her, holding her even gaze. She scoffed and nudged me playfully.

"C'mon, if anything you're too good for me."

"Stop, nope." She lifted her head from my shoulder, her eyes boring into mine. "Marina, you'e unbelievable beautiful. You're really good at math and I think you're so cute when you're playing with Emily. It's really adorable how you'll stay up until dawn to finish a book." I gave her a quick kiss. "There's so much about you that makes you an amazing person."


"Nope, nope. No-no-nope."

"Fine." She started to pout at me. She laid her legs across my lap.

"Don't be mad, c'mon." I smiled as I ran my fingertips along her thighs. She rolled her eyes. "Talk to me. I just want to talk."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"You. Tell me about your childhood. Did you have any pets?"

"No, I couldn't have pets because my dad was allergic. My childhood was kind of boring. I didn't have many friends, so I would create imaginary ones. My dad worked a lot, so I was either alone or with my grandma."

"What was your grandma like?"

"Old." She giggled. "She was a bit senile, so staying with her was kind of entertaining. Once, I ran away from her house because she'd wanted me to dust off her creepy doll collection." She shuddered at the memory. "So, I ran into the backyard and hid up in a tree."

"Did she find you?"

"Yeah, but she couldn't get me, so I stayed up there until I got hungry. Then I ran home and made myself some soup. My grandma didn't even remember me running away." She shook her head, a grin on her face. "I hate you." I frowned.

"Why?" I asked her. She shrugged and looked out to the water.

"I can't stay mad at you." She admitted and turned back to me.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." I pulled her close to me and kissed her. "But, I don't think I could ever be mad at you."

"Do you even get upset? You're always so happy and positive." She asked as she tangled her fingers in my hair.

"I do get sad and angry. I just don't like to feel that way." I pressed my lips to her's. "Like when you told me about your uncle, it pissed me off so much. And like when your dad died, I felt terrible, seeing you so beaten up about it."

"What about your dad?

"What about him?"

"What happened to him?"

"He left a little before Emily was born. She's never met him."

"Do you hate him?"

"Eh...sorta. I hate how he left with no explanation. But then I feel like my family doesn't need him. We're doing fine on our own."

"True." She kissed my neck softly before kissing my lips once more. "But the fact that he left, doesn't that make you mad though?"

"It used to, like the first few years after he'd left. But, I'd known it was going to happen sooner or later. Like I heard how bad my parents' arguments got. But, him leaving, I could deal with, it's the fact that he had joint custody of me; he could've seen me anytime he wanted to. He just chose not to. That ate at me, made me do a lot of really stupid things and cause me to just be angry at the world." I sighed. "It's different if you grow up without that parent. But, it was like he didn't want me, and never had. And that hurts. But I got over it, and I don't really care. Do I hate him? Yeah and no. Do I miss him? No. But I'd be lying if I said it doesn't hurt to think about him."

"You don't need him. How could someone not want you, I mean, you're wantable." She told me, attempting to be comforting. I chuckled at her word choice.



"Honestly, Marina, you're something different."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Nope. It's probably the best thing that's ever happened to me."


A/N: This is the cheesy-est thing I've probably ever written. I hate this chapter...a lot; it's so cute it's disgusting to me. I honestly wanted to maybe kill Marina off, or have Zack never wake up, but I felt it'd be too sad. So, yeah, this is the last chapter, and I'm sorry it took forever to arrive. But yeah, keep your eyes peeled, I'll probably be writing something else soon. Thank you all for reading. :)

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