Chapter Two

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Even the thought of seeing him again makes my skin crawl. He's terrible. He is awful. Actually, the thought of him in general makes me sick. Yet, for some reason, I received no sleep over him last night. This boy, this rude, arrogant boy, has been on my mind since I met him last night. Because of him, I am incredibly tired and feel absolutely miserable this morning.

I actually fell asleep during my biology class this morning. My teacher threw a pen at me supposedly and it still didn't wake up. Dylan, one of my best friends who has almost all of the same classes, copied everything down for me to use so I could sleep. He didn't even know why, but he's done it for me on numerous occasions. Sometimes when I stay up late to learn a script or go to my night class, he lets me copy his notes when I miss out on things. I bet he would stop if I told him I was sleeping because I stayed up late thinking about a guy.

Gary called me very early this morning. And when I say very early, I mean minutes after I woke up for school. He told me that the only time he could squeeze in a table reading was this afternoon. Today. Less than 24 hours after we even got the script, we had a table reading. It's not necessarily the reading that bothered me; it's the boy that I have to see while reading it.

I can't believe that I already hate him this much. I'm not even sure why I do. It's just some people you get that vibe from. It was just as if I could tell that Alexander was bad news. He just seemed way too overconfident and I hated it. I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, I know. But with Alexander, it was hard to explain. His confidence in himself is so high that it actually brings mine down as if it weren't low enough. I keep telling myself that I've only met him once and maybe that was all just a show. However, something tells me that it was just an opening act.

I'm leaving to go to the table reading around 2 today, which would be right after lunch. Lucky me, lunch is next on my schedule. I just have to sit through the boring hour of geometry and then I'm basically done for the day.

On the downside, geometry has literally just started. Even after the bell has rang, students are lingering into the cluttered classroom. I let out a yawn and lay my head down on my desk.

"I would offer to copy down notes for this class but we all know how bad I am at math." Someone whispers beside me.

I poke my head up and smile at the curly headed boy. He laughs a little and I reach down for my notebook. I copy some of the things off the board and read the pages in the book. When I'm finished, I cover my head in my arms to block out the noise of the classroom.

The bell rings soon enough and I gather my stuff to head to my locker. I throw my book and notebook in the locker and walk to the lunchroom.

When I get to the lunchroom, I go straight to our table instead of going in the lunch line. For some reason, I'm not hungry at all.

"Isabelle!" Jess calls at me when she sees me walk into the room. I walk over to the table and take my usual seat between her and Dylan.

She notices that I have no food when I sit down beside her and fakes shock. "You aren't eating. What's wrong with you?"

I shake my head at her and check my phone. I really hope this hour goes by fast. I'm not in the mood for school today and I'm actually eager to look at our script. Whenever I got home last night, the first thing I did was go to bed. I didn't get any sleep, but I tried to.

"Are you leaving early again today?" Dylan mocks while taking a huge bite out of whatever food they had today.

"Yeah." I say quietly.

"Why? You left early yesterday too. Just because you don't want to go to gym doesn't mean-"

"I have a doctor's appointment." I lie, cutting her off. She sighs and goes back to eating.

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