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In the kingdom of "Magiccarp" lies a beautiful family. The Emperya Family.

A lovely Queen, a handsome King and a beautiful lovely child, that is blessed by all powers of the Gods and Goddesses and will also be known as the "Legendary Mage User". Jet black curly hair that is long, ocean blue eyes, red lips, rosy cheeks, milky white skin and long-thick eyelashes. Her name is Mythical Phoenix Emperya.

When the 5th birthday of the child, everything was in chaos. Everyone fighting everywhere.

"What is happening?" The queen asked to her husband while hugging their daughter.

"They have attacked us." The king answered.

"What are we suppose to do??" The Queen asked panicking.

"Calm down My love, what we need to do i----" The King didn't finished what he said when a very loud explosion was made.

Then, the leader of their enemy appeared in front of them. He was looking intently on the child. The child felt frightened that's why she sobbed and hug her mom tightly.
She even whispered to her mom, "Mother, I'm scared."

The Queen heared her whisper that's why she caressed her daughter's back.

"Everything will be fine." The Queen said softly to her child.

"So, she is the the legendary user." Agazar(name of enemy), said in a baritone voice.

The Child was dumbfounded, because it was looking at her while saying those word, she even tilted her head as if saying "What is he talking about?"

Of course, for a 5 years old girl, who wouldn't be dumbfounded, after all she is just 5.

"We won't let you take her." Then another baritone voice spoke.

Agazar looked everywhere and saw the 5 elemental king.

Gregor- King of the Trebian Kingdom or Earth Kingdom.

Walter- King of the Aquileia Kingdom or Water Kindom.

Syber- King of the Flagma Kingdom or Fire Kingdom.

Cleon- King of Tranros Kingdom or Air Kingdom.

Armando- King of the Drerios Kingdom or Dark Kingdom.

and the King of the Light Kingdom.

Vladimir- King of the Magiccarp Kingdom or Light Kingdom.

By the way, The Dark Kingdom is their friend and their enemy are the Undercrease Clan. This clan is where all mages use their power for evil, and their leader is Agazar.

"Huh! No one can stop me!!" Azagar confidently said and attacked.

King Vladimir escaped his wife and daughter, while the 5 kings was left there to battle Agazar and it's minions.

"Be safe My love." The Queen said to King Vladimir.

"I will." King Vlad answered and give a peck on his wife and kiss the forehead of his daughter.

The Queen and her child run as fast as they could but still some of their enemy has traced them. The Queen has no choice but to call her most trusted maid.

"Cecile, please hear my voice." The Queen spoke using telepathy.

"Yes, Your Grace?" Cecile answered back. The Queen was grateful that her trusty maid is fine and safe.

"Meet me at the South wing at Secret passage 5." The Queen said to her.

While Cecile, hurriedly run to where the Queen told her.

After some time, she reached the place and easily found the Queen.

"What is it your grace?" She asked silently and respectfully.

"I want you to take care of my child, race her as your own and protect her from danger." The Queen pleaded as tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"What about you, your grace?" Cecile asked the Queen worriedly.

"I will distract them while you run away with my daughter." She said. The maod has no choice but to accept it.

"On her 17th birthday, she will unleash her power and return back here in the Magic world." The Queen saod and place her index finger on the middle of her daughter's forehead. The princess fainted and that's when the Queen created a portal to the Mortal World.

The Queen and Cecile bed their goodbye's to each other, but before they leave, the Queen kissed her daughter's cheek.

The maid and the princess went inside the portal and then vanish.

~* End of Prologue *~

A/n: So, the Prologue is Finished and by the way, this story is TagLish. Anyways, I hope you like the prologue.

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Legendary Mage UserWhere stories live. Discover now