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Author's Notes:

Autumn: This book was so fun to make, watch it bloom and see how much we grew well making it! I don't think Jody and I will make a second one, but maybe just maybe a spin off of Life's and Fun's children. But probably not. This book was just an Idea. Glad to see it run through the fires, and come out on top. This AU, which stands for Alternate Universe, was a brilliant come to life AU. In the end we only planned very few parts to this story. I love this story so much, and to see it come to an end is what makes me love writing.

Jody: I honestly had no idea this would've grown into... well... a 100 page story! This was just an idea we had in English class when we had to do a Greek God assignment. I wasn't expecting it to spiral so far out of control. I figured this would've been fun for a bit, but it would eventually die out. I will say though, I am very glad that it didn't! This was actually this first writing piece I ever did in collaboration with someone, so I am very happy with the result. Hopefully, there will be other ideas Autumn and I can grab onto and just run with for another 5 months!

This book's production lasted from December 13 2017 to April 11 2018. 

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