Things to remember; This is the End... Tell Him I said Hey.

Start from the beginning

"" Hades mumbled. The broken man broke even more, he ran to his bookshelf.

"There has to be way to-" He threw books around the room, yelling and screaming. He didn't notice the mess his room was in. Tears seemed to flow down his face as he crumbled. He sobbed and couldn't stop. He felt strength again, his powers returned, but not someone important.

"I need to-" Hades looked up and gasped.

"I can." He stood up and jumped.

"No- Hades let it go!" Jody started when he disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.

Darkness was surrounding the 'castle' seemed to be huge, and never ending. He walked up and started to rise up. He walked over to edge, where a giant bowl was formed. Souls lined the bowl. New ones, Autumn's was not there. Hades panicked, he wanted her back. Just in his arms or within a place he could see her. He just missed her. He missed her as much as he worried about Jody.

"Come on!" He kicked the bowl and it showed her. She was walking around a faded Memory. He put his hand through and walked through. Staring at her she turned to him. She ran to him, throwing her arms around him into a giant hug. Sobbing he hugged tightly back.

"Do you really think I would leave you?" He asked her, sadly chuckling.

"No......." Autumn gasped, slightly giggling.

"Alright let's get you home." Hades grabbed her hand and tried to take her through the open gap of the memory.

"Hades-" Autumn begins and was shoved back by the force.

"What?" He asked himself. Studying it for sometime. Autumn sat on a desk, the time was froze and she chuckled. She remembered that day very well...When she met Hades.

Hades entered the room, nervous about the 10 newcomers he had to show around. He walked in, and looked at them. A girl with longish brown hair and brown eyes, looked up. A guy next to her, with hazel eyes and brown-blondish hair. Next to him was a girl with shortish brown hair, glasses, and brown eyes. Next to the first girl was a girl with dark chestnut hair, she was a bit shorter that the first girl. She had brown eyes. Next to her was a girl with long brown hair and blue eyes. Hades walked over.

"Hello, I'm Hades Olympus, I will be your guide for today. You are the transfers from Chippewa Falls High School. Oh. It seems that your friends signed their names, I will take you through the hallways and such. So, Autumn Raymond?" He asked. The first girl raised her hand shyly.

"Hi." She smiled shyly as well.

"Hello." Hades bowed. "Welcome to Greek High."

"Thank you." She giggled.

"Jody Lauritzen." Hades called out and the last girl smiled and shook Hades hand.

"Hi!" She practically shouted.

"Hello." Hades got a burst of energy from her.

She laughed at the memory. Hades turned.

"This is no laughing matter, what is so funny?" Hades asked.

"Just........This is the day we met, and then that is the day, we became friends." Autumn pointed out to him. He chuckled. "I'll have to show you the day I fell in love with you."

Autumn's cheeks reddened. She looked down at the floor.

Hades stuttered out. "An-anyways, I need you to stay calm after I tell you this. You CANNOT say no." Hades stated walking over. Autumn slowly nodded, feeling this was bad.

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