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We walked closer and closer to the camp that Raven, which I had newly learned was her name, along with learning that she was best friends with my sister, had mentioned and I knew what awaited me there.

As we neared it I saw the canvas tents that matched the ground, a good camouflage considering I hadn't seen them until I was this close. The flap of the one nearest to us flew open as soon as we neared it and two teens, both around the age of 16, stepped out to see why they heard footsteps. Keen ears, an admirable trait when always being tracked down by shadow men as these people called them.

Apparently keen eyes as well, for upon seeing me their eyes flew open so far I was almost worried they'd pop out. Raven led me up to them.

"Gale, Anny, this isn't who you think, this is her sister." Raven cooed, a smart move, they looked freaked out.

"She had a sister?!" I'm assuming the one called Gale nearly yelled. I flenched at the had, so she is dead...

"Yes Gale, but shut up before you get the whole legion out here, and stop freaking out even mentally, you know you'll get The Prophet's attention." Raven whisper yelled. That in itself caught my full attention, Who the fuck is "The Prophet"? and somebody here can fucking read thoughts?! were racing through my head but if what she had just said was true, I needed to calm right the fuck down.

"You're right, Raven, let's talk about this rationally." Gale breathed out words like smoke, immediately helping my own thoughts calm oddly.
"So, why'd you bring her here?" Gale pointed to me. Raven was about to say something when someone else spoke up.

"Gale." A loud unforgetable voice sounded from behind me. "What the fuck are you freaking out about?" I turned slowly and sure enough, was faced with the man that I last saw smiling down at my sister promising her safety forever. How did that turn out dick wad? She's dead. When his eyes hit mine they widened and his playful smile turned into a shocked O. He was charmingly handsome, and hadn't aged a day. I would assumed the leaders of this thing didn't age.

"Why are you dressed like this? Who are you? Are you trying to trick me right now?" He seemed almost angry and sad, his words spit a fire that hit me but on contact felt more like tears. There's no way he cared enough about her to genuinely be upset over someone dressing as her.

"No way, my ass. Her death affected me so much I couldn't even think for months. Now who the fuck are you?" I just had my thoughts read. That was weird. Okay, moving on. I would not however, just in pity, give him the satisfaction of getting me to speak.

Raven stepped forward.
"Prophet, this is Sam. The twin sister of Eve. Sam, this is The Prophet, the leader of the Wild Ones." Raven stuttered some, out of intimidation I assume. The Prophet's eyes went an even sharper blue, which I didn't think possible.  He had an immediate change in the vibe around him.

Next thing I knew, he hugged me. At first I felt the pure admiration in it and melted slightly. What the fuck am I doing?! He killed her! I pushed him off of me, harshly, to see hurt build in his eyes. He straightened and I watched his bright eyes cloud, silver blue storm clouds whirling and writhing there. I hardened my gaze and stared into his. Murderer.

He winced at my thought and I wasn't sure if it was my imagination or maybe just a shine of light, but I swore that in that moment I saw a tear fall from his long eyelashes.

"Andy? Are you okay? who the fuck is-" Another man was walking up and upon seeing me almost fell over. I held my eye contact with, as the other man adressed him, Andy. Liar. She thought you would keep her safe.

I want you to know one thing and never, for as long as you live, forget it. You are now the most important thing in my world, you are the twin of the girl who saved my life multiple times and I saved her's. I will keep you safe at all costs. I will not let you hate me. 

His voice rang in my head, louder than anything I had ever heard before. I fell to the ground and our eye contact disconnected as I laid my head in my arms. He knelt down to make sure I was okay and just as he did I let out a piercing scream. Black swirled from my throat and to him. It didn't circle him, but instead seemed to flow into his veins.

"I knew it." He said aloud. "I just knew you had the same power as me." He then screamed, a growl, loud menacing and melodic. Black fell from his mouth and flowed to me, I felt it rush through my bloodstream, an almost energetic feeling.

"What. The. Fuck. Was. That. Shit?!" The man who had started walking up earlier said, almost making me jump.

"We just shared energy. Remember how Jinxx and Eve used to hold hands and share fire?" Andy said without looking up from me. He looked almost awe struck.

"Yeah..?" The man with reddish hair said looking at us still confused as before.

"This is the same. This is Eve's twin, Sam. Sam, this is The Deviant, Ashley." The man's mouth dropped open as Andy spoke.

"Sam?" I looked up at Ashley questioningly. "Can I have a hug?" I nodded smiling hugely, got up walked over and was enveloped in the most warming hug I have ever felt.

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