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Remember the story I told you guys last friday? If ya don't CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!

So I didn't exactly tell you all of it, THERE'S MORE!!!!

So after recess, my friend was crying because one of the boys slammed her to the floor with a bean bag. Me and my friends were trying to comfort her, she wasn't having it all. I put my arm around her, but she took right off. Then we went to music class. When we came back, all of us took our seats. We had assigned seats (I sat with those boys I fighted with FML). Those boys constantly made fun of me beacuse I had birthmarks on my face (They always called me "pee face") I told them to shut up. They didn't. Guess what! The shitty substitute didn't do shit! So I had to! I took my math text book and hit them with it. Mrs. Bitch (I am calling the sub that) saw me and she said "Don't do that, you'll hurt them". I'm just like "Wtf". So 30 minutes before school's over, those boys continue to call me "pee face". It was driving me crazy. This girl named "Ava" (Who is supposed to be my friend) just went along with it. I felt tears stinging in my eyes. Then they stole my pencils and erasers. I'm like "NOW THEY'RE STEALING STUFF?!" So I just finally bursted in tears. Mrs. Bitch noticed. She asked "What's happening". Then the boys were like "I don't know she just started crying for no reason". That's the problem with bullies though they always act like they're so f****** innocent. I had enough of their s*** and I finally got my seat took my backpack and stormed out of that stupid classroom and I didn't come back for the rest of the day.



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