54 4 11

I should've made this chap after the final ep airs but that's too long to wait.

Guys I honestly did not enjoy KKPALM that much, only because the episodes were getting really boring and I just didn't like them. Especially the 3 bonding episodes, eps 34,35 and 36.

When I said KKPALM was my favorite season, I was wearing shipping goggles. Like I said earlier, I only watched KKPALM for Akira and Yukari's relationship. That was literally the only interesting story in KKPALM.

And there were two characters that I didn't like.

One of them was Himari and another was *sigh*........Ichika.

I will explain why I don't like Ichika in another chapter.

But right now let's focus on Himari. Himari was......kind of a boring character. Her character focused episodes were just boring.

I mean Toei didn't use her that much soooo not much else to say.

So right now Precure 5 is my fave season.

Precure, step up your game.


RANDOM THINGS THE SEQUAL!!!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora