My Dearest Victor (AU?)

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My Dearest Victor,

I beg of you to understand; if not understand than to acknowledge what I feel. I may not be able to describe these feelings to you all the time, but I want you to know that they are there... so be mindful; be careful, as careful as you would be around a newly hatched chick or a new born baby struggling to convey it's utter most desires... it's communication a scream so piercing that it makes you cringe... but listen to that cry and decipher what is behind it. Listen to me call for your acknowledgment of how I feel, even if it is as inaudible as a high pitch frequency. So hear me now and here. Hear my screeches and cries, and be patient because like a baby I will learn to talk, of course with time, but I will. And when I do I will speak true and I will convey everything to you.

From yours truly,

Yuri On Ice: Viktor X YuriWhere stories live. Discover now