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~What the night brings~
January, 4th, 2019
Toronto, Ontario

It was now 2am and Rosalee had just fallen asleep with a smile on her face as i told her stories of her past of things that she didn't remember but she wanted too. As i watched her chest slowly rise and fall in the peaceful silence of her bedroom i heard a door slam.

I wasn't startled when i heard the noise but i did forget what happened tonight, i forgot that Timothy would rush into the room drunk and try to fulfill his lustful needs. I forgot that tonight was what started all her sadness in the first place. But then i realized i still had time, i had time to stop him.

Before he could hurt her before he could get close enough to even touch her i knocked him on the floor and punched him in the head then he hit the floor and was out cold.

His limp body just dead weight in my arms as i took him to his room and threw him on the bed not bothering to make him comfortable, he didn't deserve it.

I walked back to Rosalee's room and closed her door quietly lying next to her giving her space respectfully only for her too lie atop of my chest and smile.


*now in third person*

As the night went on rosalee awoke slowly to a comfortable silence to only be stunned to see a beautiful human lying next to her. She smiled toward him as so many thought went through her brain, but they were all stopped sadly, do to a knock on her window.

"Shit." she cursed knowing exactly who it was.


Rosealee contemplated on letting him inside, or to just leave him out there to think and wonder. As that probably would have been the best choice she decided against it and met him on the fire escape.

"Here to apologize?" she asked him as this wasn't actually his intentions.

"No actually, i'm here to tell you that i'm leaving toronto." as he knew this wasn't what she wanted to hear Hunter knew that he had to do it.

"Oh, w-where are you going?" rosalee asked softly as tears started to leave her eyes and her throat became dry.

"The states." He told her plainly pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

"You're leaving with her aren't you?" she asked as her tears started to subside and here sadness replaced with irritation.


Rosalee laughed in disbelief.

"Wow! You're leaving me here to go live my biggest dream. A dream that we were supposed to live together! Now your going to fuck me over and live it with her?! Some stranger you just met?"

"I'm sorry Rosalee." he said then, he practically vanished.

Rosalee sat there and rolled her eyes looking at the city life around her, even though this is no New York City it's still pretty loud with the occasional sirens and the honks of traffic.

She found it relaxing knowing that she wasn't the only person in the world. And as the sirens waled and the horns honked Rosalee heard the faintest voice come from behind me.

"Rosalee?" He asked, she hummed in response as shawn sat next to her.

"What's wrong?"

"He left me." She told him refusing eye contact because she was afraid that more tears would fall over someone so stupid.

"I know." Shawn said slowly sitting by her.

"Why'd you come here? Why were you sent here to protect me? Of all people who could be dying or in a worse position, why me?" She asked.

"So, what my boyfriend left me, that's all that's happened."

Shawn looked at her and stared at her as her eyes started to become red and her face slowly sunk.

"Rosalee," he whispered.

"I'm sorry this happened the way it did and I'm sorry that he left you, and I'm sorry that i didn't tell you sooner, but this is for the best and your going to see that. I promise." He told her even though he knew it would get worse and he knew that she was going to break over and over in the time to come but he didn't need to tell her that.

As she lied her little body on his and snuggled up to his chest she realized that this was meant to be. She heard his heart beat calmly and felt his chest rise as fall slowly, as her eyes slowly started to close listening to the faint sounds of the city.

*Back to Shawn's POV*

When I saw her eyes close I slowly picked her up and lied her on her bed closing the window before lying on the floor.

I didn't want to disturb her or wake her, but then I saw in the corner of my eye Rosalee looking down at me with a stare of disapproval.

"Shawn, just lay with me." She giggled.

She scooted over from the middle of the bed and made room, as I lied down and pulled the blanket over the two of us Rosalee lied on my chest and smiled.

"You know before I met you, I really didn't believe that I had a future, I mean I knew I had one but I thought small. Then when you told me you could see my past and my future, you helped me remember the good times I felt at peace and I knew there was more than just this shit for my life. Thank you Shawn." And as she whispered these words tiny snores slowly left her mouth.

Happening -Shawn Mendes-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя