A Thought

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"What on earth were you thinking Lana? We had a story to cover--even though a woman got abducted -- but Luthor will be upset with us!"

"He won't. I think we're missing the bigger picture here."

"What do you mean?"

Should I tell her? I don't know if I can trust her.

"Luthor was a villain. He --"

"Lana, we all know this. He wanted to change for the better and become a superhero. Old news, not new."

"These are goose-hunts for us Eliza. We can't keep doing this."

Breet! Breet!

"One moment," said Eliza.

She quickly walked off into the distance.

"What are you doing? You aren't to call me during my news hour."

"Eliza, baby, we're moving to phase 2."

"This fast? Are you sure? I don't know if Superwoman --"

"Forget about her. He ordered us to commence."

"Fine, alright. I'll do...what?"

"I need you to cover a story for me. One for my company. Our company."

"Fine, I'll bring a friend."

She quickly walked back.

"Sorry about that. New story. Bigger in fact."

"What is it?"

"New B."

"That body replacement part organization?"

"Yes. An exclusive interview for the two of us."

"Ok amazing, let's go!"

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