"Hi, Tae!" Minhyuk's smile is genuine though, but fatigue is still visible into his eyes. The brown-haired male forces himself to grin back as if nothing was wrong, even if the only thing he wants is to ask his friend if he can do something for him to feel better. Now is not the time, Taehyung tells himself.

"Hi, long time no see!" Taehyung stands up to hold his friend into his arms, not too strong as he's kind of afraid to break his bones. "How are you?

-Fine, thanks... And you?

-Yeah, me too..." He's aware that they both lied to each other right now, but confessions will come later. "We have nineteen years to catch up, so we better start right now!" He says with a smile while sitting back into his chair, Minhyuk doing the same. "What do you want to drink?"

Minhyuk is too impatient to know about Taehyung's life, so that this one spends a long while telling him all about what happened to him during all these years, occasionally taking a sip of hot chocolate.

"I can't believe you ended up marrying Jeon Jungkook..." Minhyuk lets out when Taehyung finishes his little speech, eyes a little wide. Indeed, he left high school right before Taehyung asked the raven-haired male out, which explains his surprise. "It's funny, though, I mean... I-I'm with a man too.

-What?" Taehyung exclaims, "Oh my God, I'd never have guessed you were gay!

-Bisexual, actually... But yeah, I'm married to a man.

-Who is it? Tell me all about it, I'm so curious!" He demands, but the dark clouds that were in his friend's gaze when he entered the coffee shop are suddenly floating in his eyes again, and Taehyung realises that Minhyuk's husband could actually be the reason why he is unhappy.

"Well, his name is Hyeon Wu, we met ten years ago... He was my teacher at the time, so we waited two years for me to finish my studies to finally be together. We got married three years later, and... that's all, basically." He doesn't add anything, so that Taehyung takes the opportunity to change the subject, since speaking about his husband seems to make his friend dive back in unpleasant memories. The last thing he wants is to be intrusive and make his friend ill-at-ease.

"So, what do you do in life?

-Not much..." Minhyuk sighs, "I've been a surgeon for a few years but now I just stay at home and take care of all the chores.

-Oh, really? I mean, you didn't like being a surgeon?" He can't help but ask, finding it a bit strange that Minhyuk would let go of his dream job so easily. The man had always told him he wanted to be a neurosurgeon when they were in high school, and to think that he stopped his career to be some kind of stay-at-home husband is a bit strange. Really, Minhyuk has become a mystery he's apparently far from solving.

"I loved it, but... You have to make choices in life, and I've made mine. I'm sorry, I know it might sound a bit weird, but it's hard to explain...

-Don't worry, it's alright." Taehyung immediately reassures him, sending him a smile. There seems to be a lot more to Minhyuk's story than the few pieces of informations he just gave him, but if he's not ready to talk, Taehyung isn't going to push him.

"But tell me more about you... Where do you work?" Minhyuk immediately moves on from the subject, so that the brown-haired male starts talking again. In the end he doesn't learn much more about Minhyuk's life, but he does manage to make him laugh and smile several times, and for a moment it's like the friend who used to be so lively in high school is back.

"I really enjoyed today, Tae... We should do that some other time. I haven't had so much fun in very long..." Minhyuk confesses when it's time for them to part, and Taehyung immediately nods.

Unsustainable [VKOOK]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora