Chapter 1

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*elevator ding*
'Good morning guys' Bishop said getting off the elevator. 'Hi Ellie.  - McGee answered - Hey, I have a new twins' photo'. 'Really? Another one?' Torres asked. 'Good morning Bishop' he said while she was sitting at her desk. 'Look Ellie' McGee said in front of Bishop showing her his iPhone. 'They're so cute Tim. Nick, have you seen the photo?' 'Not yet' he said walking towards them. 'Be fast Torres. - Gibbs said entering the bullpen - Dead body'. The team grabbed the gear and followed him.

'Lieutenant Michael Smith, 34, married. No children' - McGee said. 'Palmer, what about the death?' Gibbs asked. 'A single bullet wound on the back of the head. Probably an execution. From 4 to 6 hours ago, but I'll need the autopsy'. 'Yes. Bishop, what have you got?' 'No witnesses, but I found tire tracks and some bloodstains; it seems like they brought him here and then they killed him. And the name, it reminds me something'. 'You'll figure out what'.

'Hey McGee, look at her' Torres whispered referring to Bishop. She was in front of the plasma, focusing on the victim's photo and eating a candy bar. 'Give her a break, Nick. She's focused'. 'She's always focused. Look at her face, her mouth. She's making faces' he said, trying to mimicking her. 'I can hear you Nick' she said still looking at the plasma. 'Damn it!' he said talking low. 'I heard this too'. 'What we have?' Gibbs asked entering the bullpen. 'The wife will be in D.C. tomorrow' Nick answered. 'I checked his bank account, nothing to report - McGee added. 'Bishop?' Gibbs asked. 'Nothing'. 'Ok, I go to Abby. Keep digging'.

'Hi Gibbs' - Abby said. 'I checked the victim's phone. There is a number that called multiple times, but it is a prepaid, I sent it to McGee'. 'Ok, anything else?' 'Yes, the tire tracks. Here's the model and the year of the vehicle'. 'Ok, call me if you find something else' he said going towards the elevator. 'Oh my gosh'. 'What?' Gibbs asked turning around. 'McGee found a name'. 'Good! What is it?'

The team was digging, as Gibbs ordered. 'Ellie' McGee said. 'Not now Tim' she said. 'It's important'. 'What?' she said turning around. An elevator ding interrupted them. Jake Malloy got off the elevator.

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