Act Your Age (BatFamilyxReader}

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"Leave me alone!" I shout towards my older brother, Damian.

"Y/N, I just want you to be safe." He tells me. I shake my head and jump off the building, falling 80 stories, with my back to the ground, I stare up at Damian.

"Y/N, come back!" Dick called from beside him.

I pulled out my grappling hook and aim to another building. Before I can pull the trigger a rope wraps around my ankle. I growl as I swing back towards the building I was previously on. I cross my arms as I dangle through the air. I feel myself being dragged upwards and I look up, seeing my father brooding on the edge of the building, slowly bringing me up to him. As I reach the top my father spins me so that I hang upside down facing him.

"Y/N. We talked about this." He sighed. I rolled my eyes.

"You don't control me, father." I told him. He sighed deeply and rubbed his face.

"I just want you to act your age. I guess I brought you into this too soon." He said sadly, "Y/N, I've told you once and I'm telling you again. No more hero business. You're a child, I want you to act like one."

"I'm sorry father, but that's not how this works. You can't just give me a costume, train me, test me, and use me then just pull me out of the game." I argue back.

"Y/N, this is for your own good." Dick speaks up.

"Stay out of this, Grayson." I retort.

"Y/N, as much as I hate to admit it, father and Grayson are correct. You are too young for this, you should not be exposed to these environments." Damian agrees. I hang there, dumbfounded at him.

"hmph. I thought you were on my side. But I guess no one is, anymore." I whisper. Before anyone can do anything else I slice the rope that's holding me and grapple to another building. I don't look back. I swoop from skyscraper to skyscraper until I reach GCPD, from the top of the building I can see the roof of Wayne Manor. It's closed off from the rest of Gotham, but large enough to still see. I sit on the edge of the building.

"Hey kid." Someone says from behind me. I don't have to turn around to know who it is.

"They're telling me I can't handle this. They're telling me I'm not allowed to continue.. this." I say, gesturing to my costume at the end.

"I know, Tim told me." Jason says.

"Tim wasn't even there." I argue. Jason chuckles, I turn to face him. Tim steps out from behind him and I raise an eyebrow.

"I was there, I just don't like to tell people what to do. I don't have a place in telling you that you can't be S/H/N anymore because frankly you get more work done than any of us. The mind of a child I guess." Tim says. I roll my eyes and sit down on the roof.

"Are you going to come home with us?" Jason asks. I ponder over what could happen if I went back. Everyone is way too over protective. I'm not a child. I don't understand why they treat me like one. I'm only a year younger than Dick was when he started; I don't understand.

"Not yet, I'll meet you guys there." I answer. Tim nods his head and starts to head off I turn around and Jason sits beside me.

"You're not going to leave?" I ask. Jason shakes his head and wraps his arm around me.

"You never know, maybe you'd like it." He says.

"Like what?" I question, confused by Jason's statement.

"Being a normal kid, you don't want to throw your childhood away for the bats Y/N, believe me. I never even had a normal childhood but if I could go back I would've never stole the wheel off the batmobile." He sighs. I look up at him as he looks off into the night.

"But Jay, I like the hero biz. I like the adrenaline, I like beating bad guys, I like going on missions." I say, extending my arms out to emphasize the city, "I like protecting this city.... it's the only thing I'm good at." I say, dropping my arms down to my sides. Jason looks down at me and scoops me up, cradling me in his arms.

"Y/N, you're good at a lot of things. You're smart, talented, athletic. You could do anything you want, all I'm saying is maybe you should focus more on school and sports just for a little while, see how you like it." He tells me, I open my mouth to respond but he cuts me off, "I'm not saying to not be S/H/N, I'm just saying to lay off on it, don't spend all your time worrying about missions and training." I ponder over what he's saying, he holds some very compelling points.

"Fine. But only because you think I should, not because of my Father, Damian, and Dick." Jason nods his head, we both get up and make our way to the manor, we fly threw the air on our grappling hooks, I relish the feeling because I know it will be the last time for awhile.

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