Sad love story

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Girl: I have something to tell you.

Boy: What is it?

Girl: I really like you and I think i am falling in love with you.

Boy: Ermm... Okay...

Girl: What do you mean by okay?

Boy: I don't like you in that way.

Girl: Why not?

Boy: I can't tell you. Maybe some other time...

From then on the girl kept asking "Why not" and everytime the boy would answer " I'll tell you later"

Girl: I am sick of this now, just tell me why you don't like me.

Boy: It's because you are ugly as fuck!!! Why would i want to go out with someone who is not even pretty? So just leave me alone.

The boy walk of laughing with his friend leaving the girl sat there crying her heart out. 

*Ring Ring*

The girl picks her phone up.

Mom: Hey i am working late tonight so i want you to go straight home. I should be home by 8.

Girl: Okay mom, i am on my way home now and mom remember I love you.

Mom: I love you too dear.

*Hangs up*

The girl heads home  and once she is there, she heads to her bathroom. She looks herself in the mirror and thinks " I am not pretty enough " :'(

Her mom arrives home and calls for her daughter.

Girl: I am getting a bath mom. 

Mom: Okay dear.

An hour and a half later her dad knocks the door down. Her mom and dad couldn't believe their eyes. The bath tub was filled with red water. Their beautiful baby's body lay in the tub with cuts all over her body. There was a message written on the mirror with blood.

"Am i pretty now?"


Authors note:

No one should ever feel like this. Everyone is unique and pretty in their own ways. 

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