Amber's Backstory

Start from the beginning

"Hopefully"amber said as she sighted,Chloe was a great sister,even if they were only sister by father,she wanted old Chloe back.


Weeks ,months and eventually a year passed. No trace of Chloe's mother. Chloe did come out her room in that time,but she wasn't the same.She wore a fake smile, Complained about everything and had a snobby,uncaring attitude.Her hobby became bullying others,and Amber couldn't tolerate it.

Her relationship with Chloe,quickly deteriorated and once she turned 11,the situation had become way too overwhelming for their father and he decided to send Amber to Spain,to live her grandmother.


After only months of living in Spain,She missed Chloe,not the Chloe that she had left behind,the Chloe she had grown up with.Time passed quicky and before she knew it,she was Fourteen.

Her Grandma had surprised her with a Birthday cupcake and cute little candle.

"Feliz cumpleaños Querida" She'd said as she sat close to her on her bed, and kissed her forehead softly. Then she'd handed her a black box with red swirling symbols and smiled at her, a visible nostalgia in her eyes.

"Those used to be your Mother's" she said softly "I thought you might like to have them" The wrinkles around her eyes popped out more as she closed her eyes and sighed. "Take good care of those" she said and walked out of her room

Amber took a deep breath as she opened the small box, a pair of gold flower pearl earrings starring back at her.

"How pretty" she said smiling sadly

Suddenly a flash of light emerged from the small jewelry box startling her, and before she could react a floating rabbit was obstructing her view.

Amber hopped back as a startled shriek escaped her throat.

"Oopsie,sorry didn't mean to startle you,my name is zoey"

"W-What are you?"Amber asked warily, picking up a book just in case.

"I'm a kwami!" the creature said happily,TOO happily for the situation.

"What's a kwami?"Amber asked still dazed.

"A kwami is a creature that can grant powers, Kind of like a genie, you could say,but specifically I can make you a superhero,Amber!" The kwami said excitedly

"What? B-but Why? How!?"

"You were the chosen one,that's how"

"Chosen one?'

"Well...Technically, Your mother was the chosen one, I knew about you through her..."

"You knew my mother?" Amber asked surprised.

"Yes...she was great human being"

"I-I have sooo many questions"

"Breathe" the kwami said soothingly

Amber took a deep breath

"I can answer all you questions, But first...I need to know....are you willing to take the responsibilty your mother had before she died?"

"Mmmm....I-I need time to think Zoey...I can't just become a hero. Don't I need training?"

"You don't. You're caring by nature and the miraculous amplifies your movement and physical skill"

"I only ask for some time, a day or two"

"Amber...That's too long, there are people being victims of all kinds of stuff out in the world"

"Alright then. I'll give it a try, but I'm not yet accepting it, okay?"




"If I decide that I don't want to be a hero...What will happen?"

"I think that means that another holder will be chosen...but thats never happened before,so I'm not absolutely sure."

"Okay. Zoey I will be a hero...For now. What do I have to do?"

"Great!"the kwami said happily

"First I need to explain a few things."the kwami paused as it took a deep breath "You can stay transformed for as long as you want except when you use your ability,to use your ability you must say "HOP ON!" after you use your abilty,you only have 5 minutes before you detransform,you must keep your identity secret,no one must know who's behind the mask"

"Okay zoey,got it"


"Now put the earrings on and say "Zoey ears out!''Amber put the earrings on her heart pumping excitedly. She was really scared but at the same time she was excited.

"Zoey, ears out!"

In a matter of seconds,a flash of light surrounded Amber and she was transformed

"uhhhh...zoey,ZOEY!?"Amber walked towards her dresser to look her self in the mirror.The first thing she saw were the long rabbit ears that were on her head,her hair was down. She then moved down to see that she was wearing a light brown and white spandex suit , A pair of of golden nunchucks hanging around her waist.

"Whoa,nice! "she said and began to spin the nunchucks in a defensive way "I've always liked martial arts"she said grinning goofily.

"Ooh~ ,what's this?'she said,curious as she stared at a part of the nunchucks that had a pearl engraved and couldn't help but press the pearl.

In a matter of seconds the Nunchucks had transformed into a Golden staff "This weapon is amazing!"Amber exclaimed gushing at the staff.

"Amber,are you ok?"asked Amber's grandma knocking on the door

"Yes,Nana ,I'm fine"Amber answered

"Oh ok,I thought I heard you calling me"

",its-its the tv"

"Oh ok, Breakfast will be ready in a few"

"Thanks Nana"

"Zoey ,detransform me!"Amber said once the coast was clear

in another flash of light,there was only same old Amber standing there,next to her new found kwami.

"So how do I know if theres trouble" Amber asked

"Gotta patrol around the city. Around here, there's hardly any mischief" The rabbit said contemplating "Maybe later on you can move onto an area where your assistance indispensable...'

"What do you mean zoey"

"i feel one of my kwami friend's aura...and he's in danger in france"

"Oh,so does that imply i need to move?"


"Okay Zoey,Hide. I'm going down for Breakfast"

The kwami hid in Amber's hair and Amber went down for lunch.Even before a year passed danger arose and Amber bourgeois was ready for what life brought forth,after she arrived at France.


Just a small side note.Amber's main weapon are the nunchucks,but when it is currently a staff and she needs to use nunchucks she just presses the pearl again and pulls the staff appart,like into halves and tadaaa

"But you're my natural prey,and y'know what happens when animal instincts take over"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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