♡Toe Beans And Naps//Izuku Midoriya

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Izuku Midoriya x Inu! Reader


Quirk: Inu / Dog

Third Person's POV

Izuku shuddered, it was his first day at Yuuei and, God, he was nervous. So nervous and lost in thought that he didn't look where he was going and stood on something. High pitched and loud, a hurt yelp came from underneath him.

A... puppy? It was a small Shiba Inu pup. He had stood on its tail.

"O-Oh, dear! I'm sorry! Wait, you can't understand me.." he nervously laughed, sweat trickling down his forehead.

The dog then transformed into a girl with a fluffy, curled tail and ears. She had the features of a Shiba Inu.

"Owwieee!" She squealed as she held her limp tail in her hands.

"GYAH!!" Izuku shrieked, not expecting the dog to transform.

"O-Oh God!! I stepped on your tail!! Are you okay!! Do you need help!! I'm Izuku Midoriya by the way!! C-Crap is it broken-?!"

"Hey, hey, quit rambling. It's not broken," she sighed awkwardly "Hi, I'm (Y/N) (L/N), as you can see my quirk is transforming from a dog to a human. Shiba Inu's are my default but I can transform into any dog wether it's domestic or not. It's nice to meet you," the girl smiled as she held out her hand, which was slightly stubby.

"TOE BEANS!!" Midoriya screeched. Upon realising what he had said, he slapped his hands over his face, a red blush adorned his face, enough to make a tomato envy his colour.

The girl simply began laughing. Her hands had paw marks on them, hence this whole "toe beans" thing.

"I'm in class 1-A, you?" The girl asked

"Yeah, m-me too!" He blushed.

"Neat, lets go!" She grabbed his hand, making his blush intensify. They ran to class.

Months passed and the two had grown very close, so much that they might've developed little crushes on each other.

"Hey Guys!" A familiar feminine voice called out as they sat down with a small sushi tray and began eating.

"Hey, (Y/N)-Chan!" Ururaka smiled with a wave.

"Good day, (L/N)," Iida greeted.

"Hey, beans!"

That's right. After your first encounter with Midoriya you had gained a new nickname


"So, does anyone wanna study at my place tonight?" Izuku asked.

Ururaka knew about Izuku's crush on you. And she wanted to be a matchmaker. She wanted this to happen.

Sneakily, she replied "Ohh, sorry Deku! I was gonna hangout with Tsuyu tonight!" Ururaka slyly said, nudging Tenya to play along.

"Sorry, I have to do some things around the house tonight." Iida chimed, winking at Ururaka.

Your ear twitched in suspicion. Something was up, you could smell it. Something smelt fishy... oh wait it's your sushi. Whoops.

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