Chapter Five

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    That night my brother and Sicily were gone again. She had a modeling job in LA and he had gone with her for the weekend. I was all by myself in the huge house. I had already eaten pizza and had scrolled through every channel three times. Of course there was nothing on. I walked into the kitchen to look for me food. I always found myself eating when I was bored. I passed door that led to the garage on my way there. There were hooks with all of our keys hanging right beside it. I felt the urge to take one of my cars out, but I resisted and went into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator. The only thing in there was an expired jug of milk, a wilted celery stalk and several bottles of beer. I frowned and went into the pantry, the results weren’t much better. Some stale crackers, and an empty cereal box. They seriously needed to learn to eat at home more. I frowned and walked back towards the living room. Eyeing the keys one last time I greedily grabbed the keys to my Hennessy Venom GT. I went to my room and put on a pair of skinny jeans and a loose black tank top. I grabbed a leather jacket for the cool desert night. I snuck down to the garage. Even though my brother wasn’t there I still felt like I had to be stealthy about it. As if he had motion sensors or something to catch me. I slid into the sleek black sports car and drove away into the night. Before I knew it was driving around the streets of Las Vegas. The streets glowed from the neon lights and there were people everywhere despite the fact that it was late at night. At a stop light I pulled up night to a Lamborghini and revved my engine. The driver rolled down his window. He was an attractive blonde.

    “Where can a girl go to find some racing action?” I asked winking at him. The man licked his lips.

    “Follow me.” and I did. I followed him just off the strip to a large warehouse. As soon as we got to the backside of the building there was about fifty or more cars parked. People standing around talking and looking at each others cars. The road that ran along side the warehouse was empty. No other cars for miles except the ones occasionally racing. I parked next to the Lamborghini and got out.

    “Thanks.” I smiled.

    “Not a problem.” the man flashed a devilish smile.

    “So who is big competition around here?” I asked scanning the crowd.

    “Well you might want to start off easy.” the stranger said coming closer to me.


    “Not really. Take me to the best.” I said.

    “Alright honey.” he snaked his arm around my waist and led me over to a Bugatti Veyron. Leaning against is was a man who looked Italian with a dark complexion and dark hair. The first three buttons of her shirt were undone and he was talking to two barely clothes girls.

    “Diego.” the man with his arm wrapped around my waist greeted the man with the Bugatti.

    “Chris.” they shook hands.

    “My girl here…” Chris looked at me realizing her didn’t know my name.

    “Whitney.” I said dryly.

    “My girl Whitney here, wants to race you.” Chris smiled. Diego cracked a smile. I could tell he wasn’t taking me seriously.

    “Me? You want to race me?” he asked, his Italian accent was thick.

    “Yeah, you scared?” I asked cocking me head.

    “Not at all. I’m just not sure you’re ready to play with the big boys.” he said with a demeaning tone.

    “Oh, I’m ready.” I wriggled out of Chris’s grasp and crossed my arms.

    “Okay, love. Well here we race for money. Are you okay with that? No pay no play.” I could tell he was still laughing at me.

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