Chapter 2: The Price of a Crown

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"There is unrest in the city," the man announced, coming to stand before the Baron.

"And how does that concern me, Jarl" the baron countered in his low gravelly voice, clearly irked at the lack of a greeting.

"The king is concerned, he has sent out Crown soldiers to quell disturbances in the city. If the king is concerned then it should be of concern to us, Baron", Jarl replied. "

What else did you expect would happen when the king increased tariffs on all goods? Lunar is a rocky plain, there are no farms for miles. The poor land grubbers in the Eastern marches eat better than us. The king has been ill advised my friend" Gahl finished with a smile, leaning back on his throne. "

I take it you have something to do with his new advisor" Jarl continued, walking around the perimeter of the room. The Baron smiled, "Coin is a very powerful motivator, Jarl." The baron finished, leaning back on his throne.

The Crown worked for the king, but it was common knowledge that their leader was in Baron's Gahl pocket. "You place too much trust in your slaves" Jarl said suddenly, turning to the baron.

"I have seen that particular slave in the king's palace" He pointed to a slave kneeling in an alcove almost directly opposite from Alar. The slave did not try to disprove Jarl but immediately jumped to his feet to make a quick getaway.

Unfortunately for the slave. Jarl was prepared. He did not take two steps before the mercenary's knife plunged into his chest. The slave fell, making sounds oddly similar to that of Paak and his friend, Alar was horrified, watching as the blood pooled on the expensive ."Get out!!, all of you Get out!. The baron suddenly yelled rising from his throne. With his heart pounding, Alar joined the multitude of slave fleeing the room.

The guards came for the slaves that night, Alar huddled with the other slaves in the room, while sounds of pain and marching feet came from other rooms in the mansion. The slaves were kept in dark rooms separated into cells and the tiny window was not enough to wash out the smell of sweat and unwashed bodies. Suddenly, the door opened and Alar squinted, shielding his eyes from the lamp the guard held.

"Out, all of you!" the guard turned and began to move away. The slaves immediately followed him. Nobody wanted to be first and no one wanted to be last. He and Bane did not sleep in the same cell. But, the third part of their little trio, Lint did. Lint stayed close to Alar subtly using him as a shield whenever they passed guards in the corridor.

Alar himself was too scared to shoo away the other boy". Lint was a coward but he was also Alar's friend and friends were in short supply in the Baron's keep .They finally arrived at the dark stone dungeons beneath the keep, where they were pushed into even tinier cells waiting to be interrogated. There, he finally met Bane.

Bane was at the corner of the room looking through the bars at the guards stationed outside. "Does nothing scare you" Alar asked, walking up to Bane. "I have been whipped worse than this back home." Bane boasted aloud. But, Alar could see the fear in his eyes.

"Of course" Alar replied, unwilling to call Bane's bluff. Lint had retreated to the rear of the cell, hiding behind one of the older slaves. Alar came to stand near Bane at the bars "We didn't do anything, why are they interrogating us" Alar burst out angrily.

Bane didn't reply , doing the same for Alar as Alar had done for him. The door swung open and the guards motioned them out. Baron Gahl was a very thorough man.

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