• 114 pt. I •

821 40 23

// ay //

"have you seen him anywhere?"

chris turned to see yuuri, looking worried with victor by his side, the latter looking at chris with a look that could only be described as "the fuck did you do now giacometti i swear to matty healy imma throw my shoe at you so hard it breaks your goddamn nose."

"phichit?" chris sighed heavily, and rubbed his face over with both hands. "no, no, i don't know where he went - "

"go. look for him. now."

"isn't that just gonna make it worse?"

it was at that point that yuuri hit chris over the head, casually forgetting that he had his phone in his hand so it hurt like hell.

"sort your shit out," yuuri said, "i'm begging you. i'll go down in my knees for you."

"right back at you," victor murmured, and winced when yuuri elbowed him hard.

"ugh, i just..." chris scratched at the back of his neck, feeling as if he were drowning, "i just don't where to start, i..."

he sighed again, and sat down on the bottom of the school stairs, followed by victor and yuuri.

"i don't know what to do," chris said, voice muffled as he let his head drop into his hands. "i really don't. i really fucking don't."

"well," victor said, stretching out his legs, "you could start by both actually talking to each other, instead of being so fucking petty. i should've never given you masumi's number."

"you're so fucking dense," yuuri sighed under his breath.

"i heard that."

"you're lucky you're pretty."

"thanks dad - "

"guys," chris cut in, raising his head sharply. "could you possibly save the steaming sexual tension for a later date? there's sorta a more important matter at hand."

"just move your gay ass and go talk to the boy," was victor's golden advice, resulting in a death stare from chris and facepalm from yuuri.

"i gave him a panic attack, plus throw in the fact that i let him cheat on his boyfriend with me when he was confused and pretty vulnerable. oh, and i called him a slut."

"oh, boy," yuuri seethed, and victor had to reach across chris to stop yuuri from punching him. or throwing something. or both.

"look, this is hurting both of you a heck of a lot," victor said on a more serious note, "that's obvious. and you love him, right? chris?"

and for the third time, chris buried his face in his hands.

"yes," he groaned, and pulled at his own hair.

"well fuck," yuuri muttered, under his breath once again, before turning to face chris.

"please just go and talk to him," yuuri said, sounding genuinely like he was pleading. "the worst thing that happens is you talk it through and it gets a little better. and the best thing..."

he trailed off, and chris took his hands away from his face.

"yeah?" he asked, and yuuri smiled slightly.

"just go and talk to him. well, find him first. he's sort of gone awol."

"are you talking about phichit?" guang-hong said suddenly, having been sat behind the three of them on the top few stairs leading from the theatre with leo and covered in hickeys.

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