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There you were marching through a forest twigs and leafs crunching beneath your feet. A once beautiful forest with life blooming through it now charred,burnt,destroyed all because of the locust and sadly you were one of them marching to another human camp to destroy it. Did you want to do it? That was something you were unsure of. The rush of the battle was great, but it was who you were against that made you question yourself. Humans though strong, were scared and had a good reason for it. Constantly your kind was destroying homes,killing families all while laughing at them.

In your time of war you began to gain and question your own morals. Why were you fighting? To make a new utopia your "queen" says. What utopia is covered in bones,sand, and fire? At first you believed every word she said followed her every order without question. But now your mind has changed. In all honesty you didn't want to fight didn't want to hear the screams of humans as they beg for mercy. But you knew you had to otherwise you'll be killed.

Drone: spotted!

He shouted in his very gruff voice signaling to everyone that the town was in sight.

Sure enough as you looked over the hill you saw the town you were gonna destroy, you saw the humans trying to survive. You turned around and saw the thousands of locust they would be facing and knew they had no chance.

Several locust: CHARGE!

Everyone began running for the town and you saw several humans scramble to there defenses. You stayed behind a little knowing that was your best choice to survive as the rest of them charged blindly towards the turrets. After they got through the gate is when you decided to run in.

You began walking down the street gun to your side looking at all the carnage. Corpses littered the streets and we're violently mutilated. Blood way everywhere, the thing they all had in common was there faces. They died with fear. The gun fire stopped and you knew they killed all the guards.


Reluctantly you kicked open the door to a house. There were two floors the bottom one was completely empty you walked up the stars and looked down a hallway. There were several doors. You went from room to room finding nothing until you finally get to a room at the end of the hall. You heard shuffling behind the door,you readied your gun and opened to door. Looking around you visions rest on three people huddle in a corner one was an adult man, the other was an adult female, and finally inbetween them was a female child. The mother was covering her eyes so the child wouldn't have to face death. They were all crying.

Mother: it's okay honey it's okay.

She whispered to her child. You raised your gun and aimed it at them. Your hands were trembling.

Father: please make it quick.

He said in a whisper to you. You placed your finger on the trigger.

But you couldn't do it, you let out a large sigh and lowered your gun. The father looks at you curiously and so did the mother.


You said in a gruff voice trying to sound as friendly as possible. They looked at you in shock. You made a small smile to them but soon you heard other locust enter down stairs. You quickly looked at them then saw a closet. You close the door to the room then pointed to them then the closet.

(Y/n): hide.

You open the closet door as they got up and you quickly pushed the in and shut it. You then open the door and acted as if you were looking around the room. Very soon a drone enters the room and asked you.

Drone: any?

You shake your head.

(Y/n): empty.

He nodded.

Drone: we move out now spotted more humans.

You nodded.

(Y/n): I'll stick back make sure none hiding.

He nodded and started walking out shouting to the other locust.

Drone: move out!

All the locust began moving out and walking to a new location. Once most of the locust walked away from the town you opened the closet and looked at the family.

(Y/n): it safe.

The each got up and you backed away giving them some room. The man turns to you and hugs you.

Father: thank you so much.

You patted him on the back. The mother then hugged you as well. Finally the child ran up and hugged your leg you bent down and hugged her back.

Girl: your not like other monsters.

You chuckled and patted her on the head the stood up. You looked at the father and held out your hamburst gesturing for him to take it which he did. You took out a map you found on a dead gear solder that had the location of gear settlements one of which was close. You sneaked them outside and got to the edge of a good forest and pointed in a direction.

(Y/n): no locust here to heavily defended go there.

Father: come with us I'm sure I could tell them your not a danger.

You shake your head and look down.

(Y/n): I go help more humans.

He nodded his head understanding.

Father: if we ever meet again I promise to help you any way I can thank you for saving my family.

You nodded and turned to walk away but the little girl called to you.

Girl: wait Mr monster I have something for you.

You turn to her and she gestures for you to get to her height so you get on one knee. She puts a string over you head and around your neck on the string is a little piece of metal that said "(y/n)".

Girl: it used to be my pets but I think the name suits you.

You hug her and smile.

(Y/n):I love it.

You the get up and start walking away.

Family: bye (y/n)!

They say as they go there separate way. As you begin walking to catch up to the rest of the locust you find a dead solder and next to him his gun the one with a chainsaw you pick it up and began examining it.

(Y/n): I like this weapon.

You holster it on your back and continue walking with one new mission in mind.

To rebel against the queen and save as many humans as you can.

Gears of war Locust male Reader X Female Cog CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now