Chapter 7

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Ai quickly runs over to Reiji, holding him in his arms.

"Reiji! You can't die on me like this! Reiji!" Ai called out to him.

Reiji was breathing intensely, quivering with fear. Ai can easily tell that he was scared of dying.

"A-A.. Ai?" Reiji cried out.

Ai nodded his head and pulls out his phone very fast to call for an ambulance.

"W-Why..?" Reiji asked Ai.

Ai ignores him and talks on the phone with the police, asking them for an ambulance as fast as they can. He explains the situation to them and hangs up when they were done with their conversation.

"They're on their way," Ai told Reiji.

Reiji shakily reaches his hands towards the handle of the knife, ready to pull it out, but Ai takes his hands away from the knife and onto the ground beneath him.

"Don't pull it out Reiji. It will only get worse if you do," Ai told him.

More tears escaped Reiji's eyes, falling from his cheek. He sobbed and kept crying out "why" to Ai. The small movements of Reiji's body jerking upwards caused more blood to fall out from the wound.

"Please don't do that Reiji," Ai cried out.

Ai leans his face closer to Reiji's, their noses slightly touching. Ai was trying to calm the brunette down, trying to make the pain go away slightly.

"Listen, Reiji. I want you to hear what I have to say."

Reiji's orbs stares into the cyan eyes as Ai continued his small speech.

"There's no way I love Haruka that way. In fact, I have been asking her for advice on love. She told me that I would always have that person on my mind and that I would always want to be by their side. As I continued to do research and have several conversations about them with Haruka, I realized that I really do love a certain person."

"W-Who?" Reiji interrupted him.

"You. It's you that I love. There wasn't any other person on my mind besides you. Along with that, I always wanted to be around you. Whenever I see or hear you, my mechanical heart pounds very loudly and moves faster. When you started to ignore me approximately two months and six days ago, I felt a wave of sadness in my heart. It only kept increasing as time goes on, and now, here I am."

The sound of sirens started to fill up the place. Blue and red flashed from left to right. Police officers and paramedics were leaving their cars and rushing towards the scene.

Ai's hands release Reiji and start to move towards his cheeks. He caresses his cheeks, calming him down.

"There's one more thing I must do before you leave me," Ai whispered to him.

"What is it?" Reiji asked him.

Ai leans down and closes the gap between them. Their lips were touching for a very long time before the police and paramedics see them both.

Ai stands up, away from the position he was in and let them take Reiji away. Ai asks the police if they can drive him to the hospital and they agreed.

It took minutes to get to the hospital. Reiji was rushed inside to the emergency room and Ai was left in the waiting room. Ai paces himself back and forth in the room, waiting for his love to come out. He felt like he was there for hours, but it was only thirty minutes.

Eventually, the doctors and nurses came out of the room. They told Ai that Reiji was asleep and the operation went well. They also added that Reiji will have to stay at the hospital for two weeks so that the wound can heal properly.

One nurse told Ai that he should go home since Reiji won't be awake for hours. He agrees and gets a police officer to drive him home. He thanks them and goes inside to his room.

Syo and Natsuki were asleep on their beds. Ai was surprised that they didn't hear the sirens of the emergency vehicles when they came.

No one actually knew about the incident except for Ai. Everyone was gathered within a small room singing karaoke. Due to the loud blast of the music and their singing, they couldn't hear the sirens.

Ai lies down on his bed, thinking about the incident. He thought of the blood on Reiji's pale hands. He thought of the dark, rich liquid seeping through his white shirt. The voice that called out to him, quivering with fear, rushed through his mind. The tears running down his cheeks onto the hard, cold ground along with a frown on his face when he kept talking. It hurt Ai to think about those things.

Ai goes to sleep, but for some reason, he can't shut himself off. The only reason he was still awake was because of the haunting memory he gained that day. It took him a couple of hours of fighting for him to be able to turn himself off.

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