Chapter 6

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A couple of months have passed since the festival incident. Reiji has started to ignore Ai ever since that day. Reiji, on the inside, is hurting, but he believes that he has to do it in order to ignore his feelings for him. Ai, on the other hand, is suspicious of his new behavior. He doesn't understand why he is doing it and wants to talk to him about it, but he never gets the chance to.

Currently, Reiji is sitting at the dining table, waiting for breakfast to arrive. Ai walks in and sees Reiji sitting alone in the room. He decides to sit next to him, but not talk to him. Either way, Reiji would ignore any questions or statements he would give to him.

Breakfast soon arrived and they ate silently. It was prepared by Masato, Ren, and Natsuki, so it was really delicious when they took a bite of the dish.

When they finished, they left the dishes in the sink and started their day like any other day. They did their work, eat, take breaks, go places, and then go back to their rooms. Their day was nothing too special or anything like that.

As time passes, the sky came from sunrise, to sunset, and then to dusk. Reiji stands near a fountain that Ai usually goes to and starts singing quietly to himself.

"A shining figure under the spotlight,
But in a place that brightly lit,
I know there is always a shadow present

If my tears abate, I may be able to grow stronger
Even if my smiles increase,
My heart will not be filled

Every time my glass heart
Touched anything, it was damaged
So when I hold you tightly without fear,
Why, why, why
Is it this warm?"

Ai listens to the song from his porch and his body starts to follow to where the singing is coming from.

"I want to encircle you with this love song
So that it overshadows all other songs

Will it reach you? Will it get through?
These words are not enough
To express my feelings to my dearest person!"

Ai is halfway there. He starts to rush to where the singer is coming from.

"On days of heavy rain,
Our shoulders huddle together
As under the same small umbrella,
Both our cheeks turn red

Occasionally through God's maliciousness, that happiness
Right before my eyes
Might vanish is terrifying"

Ai pants heavily and eventually makes it to the singing voice. His eyes widened as he saw Reiji by the fountain singing the beautiful, enchanting song.

"Though time is cruel,
From the past, I now live in the present
Though I haven't fully become an adult,
No more, no more, no more
Will I lose my way

This love song is overlapping
With a bundle of dreams, and soars

Will it come true? Will it have an effect?
I'll live only for you
The voice of this vow to my dearest person"

Ai closes his eyes and continues to listen to the song. He thinks about why he is singing the song. He believes that it was for Aine, his ex-best friend. What he doesn't know was that it was actually for him, not Aine.

"I want to encircle you with this love song
So that it overshadows all other songs

Will it reach you? Will it get through?
These words are not enough
To express my feelings to my dearest person!"

Reiji finishes his song and looks up at the sky with teary eyes. Ai looks closely at him, hiding behind a pillar as he does so.

"I'll live only for you, huh? I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore.."

Ai continues to stare at Reiji. Reiji pulls out something shiny from his pocket, and Ai zooms his eyes in to see what it is. The thing he pulled out was a lavender promise ring.

He watches Reiji kiss the small object and place it on his ring finger before he pulled out another thing from his pocket. It was a knife.

"I'm sorry Ai."

Ai jumps as he hears his name. He thought that Reiji knew he was there, but Reiji continues to speak.

"I can't do this anymore. It's so painful for me to live in a world where I have to ignore you everyday. That's why I decided that I'll commit suicide. I'm doing it for you, Ai. I hope you will be happy, just as I wished for during that beautiful night. Ai, just know that.. just know that.."

Ai's eyes widened as he saw more tears fall from Reiji's eyes. He saw Reiji lift the knife up shakily, pointing it to his heart.

"..E-Even if you can't hear o-or see me, I-I want you to k-know that I-I love you a-and.. I'll b-be living inside your heart everyday, w-watching you s-smiling happily with Haruka.."

His shaky hands started lowering and lowering until he stabs himself.

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